Saturday, October 5, 2013 @5:49 PM
I despise the way society churns on. I hate it.
That to "change society" is to correct a blemish in an inherited structure, that we blindly celebrate that we build on top of, and that we build on.
That we erect pillar after pillar under a prehistoric rock and think to boast "look, we are holding up better than before".
That we have unthinkingly laid our ground so thickly that to change would mean yanking it from under our feet.
Society has become a monster that even the brightest and most intelligent of us helplessly feed through inaction and compliance and, in doing so, are starved by for a decent living.
I hate that the verbs "to mold" and "to shape" have taken on positive connotations despite the implication of an objective (and, truthfully, horribly wrong) standard of perfection.
I hate that society has pressed its members into its building blocks instead of its builders, that we have allowed built on ourselves a heavy, heaving monstrosity, and let develop its uncooperative nature.
I hate that society is no longer defined by its individuals; society now does the individual mass-produce and define.
Call me a futurist. Today is not mine.