Monday, May 30, 2011 @10:51 PM
It's not enough that people live for a purpose.
People should live for themSelves.
True purpose is not in external happiness
but in knowing what that happiness means to oneSelf.
Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you."
For years, I've
learned to feed
Not on Love,
Nor on Joy,
Neither on Achievement
But on human
Misery and
SufferingBecause it is the
Truest emotion,
And beside Death himself,
It is
ConstantAnd it is
Sunday, May 29, 2011 @8:45 PM
Couldn't Be Stranger
It should've started with
"Hello" or something,
But light travels faster than sound
And our time was short
And so sweet.
There was a smile that said
"Nice to meet you"
That rang louder than laughter.
I could feel your heart
A beat, as it pulled my own
By the heartstrings
Beat by beat, like a marionette.
A cheeky "How are you"
And our wordless understanding
Spread like fire up my throat.
We must have been conversing about the weather because
I saw the bluest sky in your eyes
As each blink broke on the rocks.
I asked for a name and
Oh, could it be?
'Twas the first time I saw
A voice so beautiful,
The moment was gone,
Our conversation
Now an invisible web
Sprawled in two like curtains on a stage.
Deafening static was the transition
Back into reality.
We thought our goodbyes and
Phrased each other's
As we walked out doors
More than friends
Before we had even met.
@2:32 PM
Edit:This video has single-handedly brightened up my day (:
Three of the things I love about this video: 1. The audience's thrilled reaction when they hear he's singing in French; 2. Mika's crazy-amazing falsetto; 3. the look of PURE ELATION on his face when he finishes. Brilliant.mayiwrite 1 month ago 54 "
@1:21 AM
Friday, May 27, 2011 @3:13 PM
*They say
*Study hard son
*Get your college degree
*Get a job
*Earn money
*Wtfux eve*
*Fuck auto correct duck fuck fuck
Thursday, May 26, 2011 @10:33 PM
Okay so today was the most FML day evar.
Go school, realise I brought all the wrong stuff coz I spilled coke on my bag the day before, so I changed bag to one that could only fit one file with all the wrong stuff.
FMLTired from playing Civi5 last night so during bio lecture today, fell asleep MID-SMS. Woke up to the stare of lecturer.
FMLLast day of school, released two hours earlier than normal uber-late time, want to pon econs remedial two hours later OBVIOUSLY. All goes according to plan! Happily go lunch at Manna Cafe! Can celebrate! Even remember saying "you know what would be funny? If my econs tutor saw me here HAW HAW".
FMLWalk into classroom a bit late, welcomed with "TIONG YOU RECOVERED AH" coz they told my tutor I had headache and was ill
Dam sian already, going home coz my life dam suck. Dam super freaking hot weather make me wanna die already.
Thought: last two weeks my ez-link card value all $1.xx ah, still haven't top up, later cannot go in. Nehmind can top-u- omg. No money coz
1. bought past year prelim papers today so was penniless even though this morning was the most money my wallet has seen and
2. Took a cab home yesterday coz I spilled coke on my pants too.
Continue walking. See the gantry. Heart starts beating a little faster. I mean, I can't be that unlucky right? I mean,
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFNot to mention like, 2 hours later after borrowing money from Jing, one of two top-up machines broke down and the queue on the remaining one made me miss my train. But these all pale in comparison eh
Jing: "this is all your accumulated karma from all the mean things you've said"
ho ho ho
at least it's not FRIDAY FRIDAY GETTIN' DOWN ON-
On a side note. This song is pretty~
You and your pretty eyes
Keep me alive, keep me alive
//i'm not even another pair of eyes
in yours.//
Wednesday, May 25, 2011 @8:26 PM
when it's snowing and you're inside, and you pause a moment, then you take a sip of hot chocolate;
the warmth in your nose with that comfortable, subtle aftertaste that tickles the back of your eyes and makes you want to cry.
that was your voice.
//this game of life, that's how to play.
betray, betray, and then betray.//
Monday, May 23, 2011 @9:00 PM
A thought cannot be unthought.
Once you think it, it is the only thing that stays with you for all eternity.
That's a thought.
You may lose your sanity, you may lose your purpose, you may lose your life. But a thought will change you, define you in every subtle way until the day you die, and even after, through your words and actions.
Which is why every thought takes up a bit of your soul, like a cardboard box of things you can't throw out of a room. Slowly, the room fills up. Pretty soon, there isn't much space to move. You feel constrained. You feel narrow-minded. You feel lethargic.
That's a thought.
"How brilliant it would be, to see that empty room again!" you muse.
But we all know the only future is suffocation, in the grain falling through an hourglass, in the pit of bottomless quicksand. Soon, our thoughts will leave us desolate and hopeless and gasping for breath, ready and fit to die old and alone.
Our thoughts define us, but the nature of our thoughts is defined.
That's a thought.
//grab somebody sexy
tell them "hey//
Saturday, May 21, 2011 @9:26 PM
The Rapture's supposed to happen today.
To those less religiously inclined, here's a short summary, courtesy of our ever-credible source Wikipedia.
" The primary passage used to support the idea of the Rapture is 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17, in which Paul cites "the word of the Lord" about the return of Jesus to gather his saints.
... and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 1 Thess 4 "
i.e. those virgin Christians who've skipped meals to pray will somehow be zooped up to the heavens without their clothes (as what common belief tells us.) (the without clothes part, that is.)
Well. Not like I'm particularly involved in this event in any way should it actually occur.
But it's an interesting thought! How long will things continue running? What if those people running the power plants are good little theists? If your pilot zooped off and your plane was left in free fall, would the forsaken passengers still pray? And the most important question of all...
What if you were taking MRT at the moment of the Rapture?
(cue trololol)
Oh well. Then again, there is the chance that the Rapture has already occured, just that no one zooped up.
Because this world is a vomitous cesspit for the seething filth that is the ignorance, ineptitude and inadequacy of Man.
Life is a plague. Rationality and Faith are both equal painkillers at best.
//the art of living is about making the most intolerable of situations seem like
the best you're ever gonna be in.//
@12:10 AM
nice song (:
almost makes me miss playing the guitar~
Thursday, May 19, 2011 @11:07 PM
Bloody hell, I have sinusitis.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011 @4:12 PM
Here's a thought:
Time is man-made.
The entire curtain of time is but an artificial concept made not for self-discipline, but out of impatience for others. Seconds were suddenly seen as a currency that could be wasted, lost, hence Man invented the rigid structure that is Time to prevent or, at least, minimise said loss.
Ergo, man is self-serving.
Apropos, if Time is "man-made", what of Existence?
Cogito ergo sum; our consciousness and existence is created by the Self.
Everything is but a concept.
Everything is but a thought.
There's a thought.
//in war, resolution; in defeat, defiance;
in victory, magnanimity; in peace, goodwill.//
Saturday, May 14, 2011 @1:11 AM
This soul hath seen the world
In its many moods and faces, and it is
Undeserving of the love it yields not in return.
What use hath a transient Life which
Naught but Death embraceth, and a
Heart rewarded with sorrow for every yearn?
The tragedy,
Oh, tragedy!
All is ought to burn.
//at the end of the day
everyone's running from something.//
Thursday, May 12, 2011 @11:00 PM
Ah shit my fencing super off form =.= before interschools, twirling the blade felt so natural but now it feels like I'm forcing myself to. It's not even natural mentally; I just don't know what else to do with the blade. Goodness. And I have to go for Nat Indiv Trials on the 28th ARGH I'm screwed.
Right now feels like the kinda time I'll have an epiphany about this year, then I'll actually start taking my studies/fitness/relationships seriously instead of dandying about.
I remember there was a time when, to me, existential belief meant living Life to the fullest, when every second counts, even if it was used for hedonism. Especially so if it were used for hedonism.
What am I now?
A mere veneer of passion past.
A drifting echo of a warcry
over a brown, barren battlefield.
"who do you think you areto change the order of things?""enough."//laughter is the best form of medicine.
it's a drug.//
Wednesday, May 11, 2011 @8:44 PM
Just thought of the perfect sequel to a Will Smith movie~
pity we'd have to wait for it
Tuesday, May 10, 2011 @11:45 PM
finger on black, white keys
feel my heart
like a bead breaking the surface
a melody so strong it can be tasted
@11:08 PM
A private public space]
Pretty poem, go read it, won't copy-paste it here to avoid people thinking I wrote it, thanks Richard!
But if lesbians are a sensitive topic and/or you're sensitive to the nonchalant mention of stimulated private parts- well. Let's give it a test.
PENISIf you felt dirty and unclean after reading that, I don't recommend reading the poem. I also hope for your sake you decided to patronise this paragraph before clicking the link at the very top of this post.
Baw haw haw.
//“who’s she? just /a friend.”
and oceans are merely dew/upon the land.//
Monday, May 9, 2011 @8:49 PM
I am Life.
The greatest Cruelty,
The cruellest Curse.
To Hope and Futility borne
Thus into Sin and Despair,
was by Desire.
My caprices are many:
War, Famine, Disease,
but to Death am I wed:
I am his herald,
I am his prize.
I slaughter the weak, I strangle the wise.
Blessing to thee but a blight in mine eyes;
Shall thou covet me not; he who does
Someone once told me that life was lost.
Yet I found that if one lives life as lost,
Thus is it found.
//ah! the farce. there is no need for torture.
Hell is other people.//
Sunday, May 8, 2011 @6:24 PM
Tin Pei Ling. Where can I even start. Where am I even allowed to start. She acts like the whole election thing is a freaking joke. "i don't know what to sayyy" cute ah? Now in parliament so cannot say anything. Fuck.
PAP playing the Singapore elections like it's a strategy game. Like a game of chess. Put the strongest, most indisposable member with a meat puppet, let him tank and get a victory. Send second best against opposition powerhouse, hopefully can scrape another victory. Pity. Really sad pity. End goal: get as many victories, get as many seats in parliament as possible.
Is that really good for the people? Does this kind of democracy really ensure the best government?
Doubt so.
They're playing like it's a game of chess.
In chess, there is only the king, no people.
SG Elections tweet summary:
@Azazylix Daryl Tiong
"between now and 11 is like foreplay or something" lolol @jingdabomb
@Azazylix Daryl Tiong
lolol watching Malay translation: fjsiehrjdsudjkshdjfj GRC kfkdfjsdjdbdkfbj Lee Hsien Loong cndhdjfbdjh PAP jffjdhdxhsdhjdkdb GRC Ang Mo Kio
@Azazylix Daryl Tiong
stfu lah background idiots I can't hear the reporter. "BXIDHSUFJSISJDDIDJUSHJDXHSVDDHJDHISHDIGDHDIISH" "back to you" FFFFFUUUUUUU
@ruifen Ruifen
@ruifen Ruifen
RT @miyagi: Can we have an #sgelections to vote Mediacorp out? Pls RT if yes.
@Azazylix Daryl Tiong
@sudeeeeeep Sudeep Agarwal
HAHAHAHA RT @yaaaaaaammy: RT @FakeSTcom: RT @motorman: BREAKING NEWS: CNA will announce GE2011 results sometime before next election.
@Azazylix Daryl Tiong
"...pursuant to section 49 subsection 7e paragraph A of the parliamentary elections act, i declare.." LOL
@sudeeeeeep Sudeep Agarwal
A lack of George Yeo in the parliament is Singapore's loss.
@Azazylix Daryl Tiong
I LOVE THE ANNOUNCER MAN like some nervous dude taking op
@ruifen Ruifen
hey @Azazylix! RT @ruiqing RT @quitemindy: MOUNTBATTEN SMC TRENDING WORLDWIDE #sgelections
@veeeee_nessa Vanessa Chan
“@rictusempraa: i throw my vote up in the air sometimes, going ahhhh-oh, where is my george yeo~”
@kkiawei Chong Kia Wei
First time ive seen so many Singapore related words trending
@stephsiow: "I'm beginning to suspect that Mediacorp is in an entirely different time zone from all of us here at #sgelections"
@ruifen Ruifen
"he cannot smile, he smile he die already" - my dad on the returning officer announcing results hahaha
@kreeater Richard Neo least TPL can now bring her parents to universal studios? now she can check off her biggest regret in life \o/
@Azazylix Daryl Tiong
@aphoticaster Ling Shao Tong
@MdmNancyGoh Mdm Nancy Goh (Fake)
Adventures of Tin Tin: Tin Pei Ling conquering the Marine Parade GRC against all odds #sgelections
@ruifen: let's applaud the returning officer for gelling his hair nicely + ironing his shirt + picking out a nice tie for the occasion :)
@kreeater: seriously, is every SMC/GRC gonna trend worldwide? i'm fascinated. never felt more singaporean in my life. not even at NDP <3
And last but not least:
@aphoticaster Ling Shao Tong
haha most exciting bday ever for me x.x
HAHA happy birthday sheaowtong~
Thursday, May 5, 2011 @9:05 PM
Rented a copy of Sartre for Beginners from the library~ and paid my long-standing fine of twenty cents. PUFF.
Also, never thought I'd see the day when I'd be incapacitated by Math. Gave up on Differential Equations assignment; not counting on passing mark-wise >_>
Times have changed.
//how we laughed, how i cry,
how we lived, now i die.//
Wednesday, May 4, 2011 @11:53 PM
You don't know what I've given up for you.
You don't know how much I've changed for you.
Hell, you practically don't even know I exist.
You never will.
//i glimpse your eyes, i hear your name
my heart just dies; it's not the same.//
Tuesday, May 3, 2011 @6:31 PM
Bah. Just a night after that last post, I find myself venturing further into my unconscious than ever before. Mind you, I keep a dream journal (locked up), but what more can I put onto paper but pictures in pen? Perhaps I can. Hmm.
Aiyeeee GP essay test today which I totally screwed up. DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT MIGRATION ARGH. What "'benefits of migration"!? So birds won't whole day stay in one tree and shit until the pavement whiter than correction fluid ah?
//whatever happened to that innocent boy
who haggl'd his heart for a face full of joy//
Monday, May 2, 2011 @11:45 AM
Funny how dreams can totally change your perception of someone, perhaps even someone you've never talked to. How, the next time you talk, the image in the dream will course through your mind like dye in water. Wouldn't that be interesting! No conversation (with said person) would be the same.
How a dream can grant your greatest wish and your darkest desire, one that quenches your long-hidden yearnings, or which taps into the deepest recesses of your carnality, which creates desire out of nothing.
How a dream can be the epitome of your fear and resentment, faces of sins long past or recurrences of a desperate childhood long forgotten, or even sheer horror at aberrant thoughts.
And yet how the break of dawn is the great inverter of emotion; does one not relieved after a nightmare, is one not left empty after one of ecstasy?
Oh the magic of dreams, it's almost poetic!
Sunday, May 1, 2011 @10:30 PM
I wonder what it's like to forget. To sever oneself from the past. Of course, this would have different relevancies and repercussions for different people. But that's it, isn't it?
I'd wonder what it's like to wake up one morning and have the past, the sins, the demons, all wiped from memory. Perhaps I'd be a better person. Probably not. I'd definitely be a well-slept bastard though.
What is democracy? Appeal to the masses, but to what extent? To what aim? To what cost? Seriously. Should placating the plebeian really be a greatest priority?
It's sad, almost pitiful, that a government should be reduced to the shackles that are the will of the people. What restriction! What constraints! How better are they than peasants chained by the social stratum? In democracy, the government is but a tool; a rifle subject to the will of an ape, a sword bound to the hands of a child, an item of enormous potential thrust unjustly into inept hands.
Such a pity, such a shame.
@4:35 PM
Well well. Just thought it would be nice to think in paragraphs and start sentences in capitals again. Astounding isn't it!
New familiars at my balcony: a pair of yellow-breasted sunbirds have oft come to my window to sing! OH JOY. I hope my grandma doesn't chase them away though.
Hope I can make this blogging thing last; methinks it would help my GP essay-writing in more ways than one. >_>
That's enough for a first post, perhaps. Cheerio!