Sunday, August 30, 2009 @10:16 AM
Comp spoil. Funniest thing being that this is the first time I've seen it catch fire. I'm gonna tell the repairman that its the power circuit problem. Shhh.
Anyway! Am using my brother's computer to post now so. JDSOGISE. Forgot what I wanted to post. Will post later.
I like this music I want to try playing it on piano Shao Tong and potential Overlord players don't listen yet coz it is awsum and you'll listen to it sooner or later anyway SHAO TONG PL0X PLAY CAMPAIGN.
If you are what you eat,Then I'm terribly sweet!Which isn't that far from the truth.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 @8:15 PM
Friedrich Nietzsche's 'Criterion of Values' kinda popped into our mind while in the shower. Perhaps that is what we look for in our lives. A criterion of values.
What is wrong? What is right? Is this ours to decide?
Perhaps, technically speaking, it is. To the conformist, '
what society wills', to the rebel, '
what society wills not'. To the Christian, '
what God wills', to the anti-Christians, '
what God wills not'. To the hedonist, '
what the senses will', to the moralist, '
what the conscience wills'. To Themis, '
what Justice wills', to Eris, '
what Chaos wills'.
Society as an individual collective, what society wills as a singular aspiration. Not as what every one wills, but as what Everyone wills. To conform to a singular perspective; how much better off to conforming to one's own?
Yet what hath we that betters Society?
Then what is amorality if one's morals are the lack thereof? What is immorality if one follows his own morals? Are they not but measures to Society?
Or are morals defined from Conscience? Yet is Conscience derived from Society?
Perhaps that is the choice we have to make, the
moral choice behind every decision:
Our Conscience, or Our World.
Monday, August 24, 2009 @7:20 PM
Kay, gonna get rimless specs tomorrow. And considering braces, coz our teeth look quite screwed up.
We can't really breathe properly now, we're having a bit of difficulty and our lungs feel a little tight, but we guess that can all wait until after the Chinese prelims and the DMP.
What does it matter anyway.
Sunday, August 23, 2009 @12:42 PM
Female judge: Is that a woman's face?
(three second pause)
Me: Uh.. That's mine.
Okay, now that we feel a bit better, perhaps we should elaborate on our AEP presentation. Overall quite well done, 'cept they found it a terrible waste we didn't use our original pencil drawings (which were, apparently, much richer), and instead chose to scan in our drawings on a crappy Epson Printer/Scanner. Oh well, hopefully my prep boards pulled it up.
Hm, okay so we've been playing Overlord after the presentation. So what! Evil needs a break. In case some of you don't know, Overlord is the game where you're given the choice of being evil, or VERY evil. The latter case would look like this:

Not to mention the pleasure of seeing my treasury grow.

Okay, we admit; so we traded the hope of the entire Elven race for a huge sack of gold, killed a few (hundred) peasants or so, and maybe even burnt down the Elven Sacred Grove. (we swear, that fireball was an accident!) But what gives! We're still ruler of all the land.
(Yes, Elves seem to get it all, don't they?)
Not to mention the awsum and albeit, irritating duneworms.

(ka blay-um!)
Saturday, August 22, 2009 @4:41 PM
We are excited. To tears. ARGH. WE NEED THIS MOVIE.
We find it one of THE most AWESOME stories in the history of Mankind. The fall from complete perfection. The concept and liberty of eternal youth and perfection. The devil with a clenched fist. All. So. Perfectly. Placed. It is SUCH. A BEAUTIFUL concept. It has all three of ourfavorite motifs. Youth, Perfection, and Fall from Grace. We can't explain how excited we are. We're just spouting words now.
But might we mention, the Dorian in the book has golden hair. Not like it matters, but just to mention. And the book says sulphuric acid has a smell. Phooey!
Forever Young.Forever Perfect.Forever Cursed.Although its not forever coz he probably dies at the end. (SPOILER, MUA HA.)
Friday, August 21, 2009 @7:28 PM
We're dead.
Now we'm typing on the computer at my home, but only reason that's happening (and we're not spending the night in school doing AEP) is coz (as normal) we've convinced Kind Sir Tan that we would be more productive at home. He dismissed us. At five. F*@&ing. Thirty.
We just got home.
Tired enough, we go get an oreo ice-blend. Sure, no harm done! Until the f*@&ing bus left the stop while we was watching on the overhead bridge. Chillax! Just wait for the next one! Another f*@&ing half an hour. Why half an hour? Take it to the government. And as always, the very moment we strain the last strength from our thigh muscles and squat so we can lay my bag on the floor (you all know how heavy it is), in the horizon. Thirteen! NO F*@&.
And Mr Tan, in his infinite wisdom, said we had to clear my AEP desk of stuff coz he wanted to clean it tomorrow. So tugging along two sling bags, seven A2 prep boards and an equally large sketchbook, we board the 12 bus from Kallang. we swear, it was so jerky, our bagstrap was horizontal for a few seconds, in all four directions, possibly within a five-second interval between each. Thanks uncle, for driving so smoothly for an exhausted, muscle-less sixteen-year old carrying a two tonne bag, and the other passang- we mean, sardines.
We have nothing against his personal self. We mean, he might be a loving father, starting a business et cetra et cetra, but its not funny, especially when you notice your glare is starting to burn through walls.
Then we observed the most annoying scene. Right in front of us, a young, note, YOUNG, Malay (methinks) "couple" were sitting at the reserved yellow seats. The plump guy was sleeping like a log, while his not-so-fiancée-to-be, eyes wide open, probably only had half her seat space for herself anyway.
Then as always, the old man gets on board.
Struggling with his plastic bags, he tugs at the bars as the bus driver nonchalantly jerks off (we know what you're thinking; take it in the literal, non-innuendoish sense), and goes right in front of the couple.
They budge not.
Then a fourty-four year old auntie sitting near the front gets off her seat, and offers it to him. He thanks her, and she smiles.
That young couple deserves not any seat. They are disgusting.
Our three core values: Respect, Justice, Pride. They violate all three, and dare call themselves a part of society.
Gah, forget it. we shant waste my words on these imbeciles. Now we have to draft a three minute presentation (due for tomorrow morning) on what we did for the past seven hours. (Six, because of a certain Chinese teacher.)
Ah well, ta ta.
(sorry Kuss!)
P.S. My brother's hospitalized for dengue on his birthday (today). Dam good birthday present ah. *grumble*
Thursday, August 20, 2009 @10:17 PM
I wanted you to know,
I love the way you laugh.
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain, away.
I keep your photograph,And I know it serves me well.
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain.
'Cause I'm broken
When I'm lonesome.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away.
You've gone away,
You don't feel me, here anymore.
The worst is over now,
And we can breathe again.
I wanna hold you high, you steal my pain, away.
There's so much left to learn, and no one left to fight.
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain.
'Cause I'm broken
When I'm open.
And I don't feel like I am strong enough
'Cause I'm broken
When I'm lonesome.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
'Cause I'm broken
When I'm lonesome.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
You've gone away.
You don't feel me here.
Monday, August 17, 2009 @5:52 PM

Mai Awsum DMP Timetable of Awsumness.
Sunday, August 16, 2009 @8:58 PM
Hope, in its most intense form, is a far greater stimulant to life than any sort of realized joy can ever be." -
Friedrich NietzscheI have nothing in this world to hope for.
But thee.
Saturday, August 15, 2009 @8:22 PM
Ecce Homo; Behold the Human.
Far from perfect.
Prone to emotion.
Accustomed to self-disappointment.
Guilty of doubt, misery and blame.
Yet because of imperfection, what have we?
Because we are incomplete, we are in need of another,
Whom we will lose to the very imperfection itself.
Friday, August 14, 2009 @7:32 PM
Greed: | Very High
| |
Gluttony: | High
| |
Wrath: | Medium
| |
Sloth: | High
| |
Envy: | Very High
| |
Lust: | Very High
| |
Pride: | Very High
| |
Seven Deadly Sins Quiz on! My innocence is undoubted!)
Thursday, August 13, 2009 @7:15 PM
A Marxist society?
Bah! Humbug!
Complete waste of people. Classless society? Its like everyone trying to do the same thing. Like being given a task, and everyone does the same thing. Note, not together, but do the same thing separately and repeatedly. Complete waste of time and labour.
And what consequences will it yield for the next generation! No middle-class, no teachers. A classless society, where everyone must know everything. Imagine two cylinders, one of radius 10 and one of radius two, of indefinite height. You pour 20 cubic units into each. Which reaches a greater height?
The Marxist society is like the former, where everyone stays at his place, with no time nor resources to strive higher even if he wanted to. No specialists, no one above anyone else. Rubbish!
We'd comment on the Singaporean Education System and their 'all-rounded education', but we'd get sued.
Look at the nearest advertisment. What is it about? The newest innovation in German sausages? A new technology administered to pampers? A car that looks exactly like the rest, except for an added radio or stereo?
Nietzsche was right in describing humanity as a degenerate race. Worldwide governments waste resources and manpower, in the race to develop the most absorbent tampon. The whole concept of money is foolish.
Exitus acta probat, yet what goal do we strive for? Paper printed by governments to keep people too busy to rebel?
What stupidity, commercialism. What idiocy, globalisation. This society accidentally sat on some honey, and now its running in circles, chasing its own tail.
What a pity; humanity has lost what once distinguished it from subservient puppies.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 @6:54 PM
Today we were.. confused.
We're rarely confused. Is it the right word? To be suddenly thrown off balance, into a pool of tireless thought and pre-reality perceptions. To see something that hammers through one's crustacean shell of being, and to have one's soft internal being jabbed at. Such a feeling makes one uncomfortable.
We could never.. understand. How 'loving' and 'friendly' could possibly apply in the area of one's own abode. Everything is technical. Everything is, or is not. The same way how you can never understand how we get by each weekend without uttering a word, neither can we understand how you can never run out of things to talk about, or how you can force yourself to say, even once a year, those three words to someone who hasn't heard it the other three hundred, sixty three days.
How strange it is, this new sentiment. Like taking a whiff out of a century-old box of photographs, like plunging face-first into an antique kiddie's swimming pool. How strange it is, that one does not know how to react, but with the first answer to everything:
Perhaps I have a certain someone to thank for this experience, perhaps I have a bit of searching of my own to do. But we say, there is no joy without sorrow, there is no salvation without pain. For better or for worse, this incident has sparked off a fire in my train of thought; the First Counter-Movement in our long sequence of machinery, listen carefully:
One clog sputters, in this long, and well-planned game of Life.
Sometimes, that is all it takes.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009 @10:18 PM
He is not guilty
but of what he is judged for.
Yet judged you are, for your
lack thereof.
Shed your mortal coil;
where goest you?
You try for you have
nothing to lose; you
have nothing.
Your existence; a fleeting
bound for Hell on a train of thought.
are nothing; hence your mind has stopped thinking.
have nothing; hence your heart has stopped working.
There is
nothing for you here. There is
nothing you want.
Hence you've stopped caring.
There is
nothing for you
today, there is
nothing for you
You have
nothing in
this life, you have
nothing in the
You have
nothing to
strive for. You have
nothing to
You say,
Cogito ergo sum.
-you think not.
You lie.
You lie, for you love not.
You hate, for you
are not.
You are
belong. Nowhere.
Your cradle, your memories; they are
all lies.
You loved and you lost, and the world wept
For you
Never again will waking beckon so.
Saturday, August 1, 2009 @2:56 PM
The purpose in misery,
Passion.The rewards of lucidity,
Enlightenment.The existence of true love, only
When our time comes.Death, herald of emotion, invoker of thought.The only time one is oneself,
Is on his deathbed or beside another's.
No life with Death,No Life without Death.