Sunday, March 29, 2009 @10:10 AM
Not that I was looking for them, these are just the more amusing ones. HILARIOUS. Like I said.
'The only books worth reading are the controversial ones.'
Temporarily ignoring that I also said 'Its kinda weird if you read the movie then watch the book'.
Will update again today probably!
Edit:As more-or-less promised, here's an update.
Today went by pretty much uneventfully, which is rather good given the otherwise turbulence of otherwise circumstance. Its kinda like, Peace is Life, and Peace is plagued by our Emotions, yet we cannot truly Live without our Emotions. Why? The same way no human can survive without Sin, no soul can last without Temptation, no conscience can live without its Contrast. I'd go on, but here's an excerpt from Gray to illustrate its point.
" There are moments, psychologists tell us, when the passion for sin, or for what the world calls sin, so dominates a nature, that every fibre of the body, as every cell of the brain, seems to be instinct with fearful impulses. Men and women at such moments lose the freedom of their will. They move to their terrible end as automatons move. Choice is taken from them, and conscience is either killed, or, if it lives at all, lives but to give rebellion its fascination, and disobedience its charm. For all sins, as theologians weary not of reminding us, are sins of disobedience. When that high spirit, that morning-star of evil, fell from heaven, it was as a rebel that he fell. "I have many examples to draw upon, but I doubt such things would stir any fascination; as of now, the belief is that one has either read enough, or wishes to read no more.
Hm, I personally think that sometimes, even friends need breaks. When conversations start to get strained, its best to take some time off to let the topics recharge themselves before, once again, hurling them into the fray. I mean, really, how many things are there to converse about in the world, especially after the censorship of politics, social inhibition and common sense? So yes, no friend of mine is truly lost, if any truly gained.
I've come to a thought; perhaps the only reason why I'm running everything into the ground is because I have nothing to fight for; nothing to change for. Even if I did, by some miracle, revert to whatever saintly, innocent ways with which I came to existence, what good would it serve? There is no social recognition, nor personal motivation. There is no one to please, no purpose to serve, hence I really don't see the point. Why turn over a new leaf when the other side isn't any greener?
And what better chance would I stand against the ruthless swarms of life,
without a sunshine smile by my side.
Saturday, March 28, 2009 @9:55 PM
Okay, Earth Hour was fun. But now I'm here! HA.
Before I continue, I quote:
Wei Xuan: ..I swear I will pull out your brain through your- ..what's this ah. Oh yah,
It was really cool for that one hour, where the stars were actually visible over the night sky. And the classic scene of 'hey! That star's awsum!' '..that's a helicopter.' But oh well. Took my dog for a night walk for once, and it was rather spectacular, considering the frequency I even leave my house.
But back to today. This morning went to watch Confessions of a Shopaholic with a shopaholic in the flesh, and honestly speaking, its quite an awsum show. I mean, its one of those chic-flicks that actually makes you feel good at the end of the show. Not bimbotic but actually good.
Then went to Food Court for lunch with the rest of them. A whole ton of RI Lit guys, and its quite awsum for so many of them in casual wear to dine in the same place. AWSUM. So I had tea and embarked to the Esplanade. But before that, check out this, on the third level of Marina.

Anyone who actually examines this would know that it was shamelessly, skilfully and effortlessly Photoshopped from two pictures. But you get the idea! Its a huge space, and I sat there for ten minutes.
So then we went to the production of A Winter's Tale. And although it got a little draggy midway, I guess that's to be expected of Shakespeare. So the actors were really, really good. I completely understood the play, (even the weird language) and it was really interesting. Emotional. The actors turned out great. And I even recognized the actor who acted as Delia Surridge from V for Vendetta! YES SHE WAS IN SINGAPORE. WICKED.
But yes, it was a great production, I particularly liked the skillful thief and the eccentric son-of-shepherd. Brilliant actors. 'Tis the hardest shoes to fill. One slip, the wallet drops and the play's gone.
After that, went for dinner at Macs with the gang and Ms Cho, our long-lost Mathematics teacher. As always, given my fetish for sugar-filled foods, I spammed five sachets of sugar on a simple meal. The only reason for my salt intake is this: I've seen how people with diabetes die, hopefully I die of something else first.
And I lent Weng Hong mah book! My favorite book. May it influence him as much as it influenced me; this world has far too many saints for the natural equilibrium. Yes, its a wonderful book, filled with the mysteries of the human psyche itself, raw and bared. If you're reading this, DON'T BEND THE PAGES PL0X. And when you open it don't open it fully; it leaves creases.
Essentially that was it. Went to the bookstore with WH for a while, then intended to catch a movie with Kuss and the lot but the next slot was at nine. So I staggered home, bookless and stuffy, to Earth Hour. Pshht.
Just because I wear a completely black set of clothes doesn't mean I'm the anti-Christ and participate in the Black Sabbath, Bryan Cheong. As much as it serves to compliment, it happens to be my favorite combination of clothes. In fact, now that you mention it, I fully intend to wear it on every occasion on which Bryan Cheong will be present. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Oh, and my long pants were dark blue.
Thursday, March 26, 2009 @10:33 PM
Just watched the Matrix Revolutions disc, and I must say, I was terribly wrong about in in the past. I had thought it was some random crappy sci-fi thingy comparable to Star Trek, but in reality its a very, very intelligent show. What's more, with the multitude of dilemmas and battles its rather difficult to not stay at the edge of your seat. But I did feel that the five minute long *cough* dance scene in Reloaded was rather. Irrelevant?
Nonetheless, it really makes you wonder. Its not impossible that the world was created say, yesterday, or even ten minutes ago, and we were implanted with false memories of the years. We remember things, we know things happened, but can we say for sure? How do we know its not simply an illusion; an implanted series of events that never took place, when we're not experiencing it now? Two seconds ago; are you sure it existed? All the things we've created, did we really?
I wonder if the heart can just suddenly stop beating, just like that. Like, for no apparent reason, a perfectly healthy person, not even a heart attack; the heart just stops beating, the person dies of suffocation or something. So during the autopsy there's absolutely nothing wrong with him, just that the heart's not beating. That'll be kinda cool.
Personally I feel that, in blogging, every post is like a canvas. You start blank, and armed with colorful vocabulary and refined thoughts, its your duty to paint a picture that instills a certain sense of something in whoever might be concerned. To invoke feelings, question moral philosophies, sow a seed of cognition. Every good post is a masterpiece, every bad one is wasted space.
So its with that purpose in mind that I continue to blog. I'm here to provide not so much of a moral reconciliation, but rather a reconciliation with oneself. I provide a controversial, far-from-politically-correct, lesser-perceived angle, maybe so you'll feel that you're not the most screwed up person in the world, or to fish out and amplify the deep recesses of your inner nature, or simply to provide simple reading pleasure. Its a duty to the reader, as much as it is a duty to myself. A duty to make you people question your very cores, and some airtime for my dangerous personality.
So when, if any, I post without that very purpose, its either some jerk hacking into my blogger account or I'm dying of boredom.
So to end off,
' dart.: says:
dftpnkezln: For all of you reporting a score more than 100 as you iq lol @ you. How can you possibly score more than 100%?
dftpnkezln:I'm very happy with my score of 89.
Wesley says:
dont laugh at the les intelecctually capable
' dart.: says:
Wednesday, March 25, 2009 @10:49 PM
Obligatory posts ftw.
Okay I have no idea what I'm doing up so late. I just watched the Matrix Reloaded disc thing that I recently found somewhere downstairs while multitasking a SoaSE game and sourcing quotes from Dorian Gray. I swear, this book will run me into the ground sooner or later.
"Never mind, Lady Narborough. I smoke a great deal too much. I am going to limit myself, for the future."
"Pray don't, Lady Ruxton," said Lord Henry. "Moderation is a fatal thing. Enough is as bad as a meal. More than enough is as good as a feast."Going to sleep soon but there is only one point I'd like to bring up.
I find myself having difficulty curbing whatever desire I have. If, perhaps, the idea of watching a movie pops into my mind, after a pseudo-argument with myself I'd most probably end up in the cinema at most ten minutes later, even if I did have three tests the following day. If I suddenly remember the chocolate brownies I have stored downstairs, I'd almost definitely ignore the even-more-so-than-ever prevalent threat of diabetes and have one on my table in less than five.
In mild conclusion, I'm completely running my life into the ground. But what matters; why worry about tomorrow when you can frolic around today? I know some things taught me that youth never lasts; nothing ever does, so what privileges we have now are better spent. Time is jealous of all of us, and wages war against our very existence.
But the more important question remains as this. Perhaps the lot of you might say, 'bah! This is weakness!' but what is true weakness? Is Strength having the 'courage' and 'morality', to say no to every temptation and turn away various opportunities for Self-exploration? Or is Strength having the unquenchable desire; the irrevocable passion that itches from the inside, and even more so a scope and variety of Means just as flexible to accommodate such radical dreams.
In essence, does true Strength lie in 'righteous' self-denial: the pride and confidence that occasionally comes with Conscience (if any), or in accepting the Demons: its boundless aspirations, its endless possibilities and your combined strength;
The same way a raving, raging, rampaging bull can be said to live far more than his cousins in the sty. The same way an ancient warrior might feel more fulfilled than the philosophers of a similar time. The same way running on the streets far precedes the same stuffy room day after day.
See, its inherent in human nature to run amok and wreak havoc every once in a while; its a form of freedom, as essential to any animal as liquid or sustenance, the same way dogs need their walks and fish need their space. Its in our nature to rip apart a thing or two, to occasionally oversee some mayhem and laugh at your doing. Its in our character to succumb to the all-too-common temptation, to mock the consequences and shrug it off.
Sadism, Hedonism, Individualism, it runs in our very-much human Blood, fills up every vessel, spills into every Thought, and every Dream. It influences every Passion, twists every Decision, is a part of every Consequence.
Every Hatred, every Heresy, every Tyranny, every Treachery, every Blasphemy, every Betrayal, every Deception, every Denial, every Fraud, every Vanity, every Law and every Lie.
Every Action and every Consequence,
Every Reason and every Excuse.
There's no escaping it, so why must I?
@12:33 AM
if you're neither a friend nor a foe,
not a stranger on a street nor
someone i barely know,
and the voice in my head yells 'Just Do It."
and the thought of tomorrow serves to revive,
but the words disappear before they arrive when
i see thirteen months in between.
skip the decor, why waste time with words when
my eyes mirror all that i feel.
to light up our faces and bleach our teeth white,
when we have a world to conceal.
remember the day you told me you thought twice,
and decided to cherish me so.
now tell me the difficulty of doing it again
if your heart yells out loudly, "Let's Go".
if you're happy that's fine,
boot me out of your mind,
but one 'Happiness' kept at what cost?
P.S. Yes, the identity of the "you" is secret. Even though this person doesn't read this blog. Blogs are for expression of thought after all, and all of this is what I think. So.
I'm really tired.
I need sleep.
Sunday, March 22, 2009 @11:16 AM
Apologies for my inactivity yesterday, I've been coerced into playing the age-old CABAL. I have no real objection; the graphics aren't exactly objectionable nor is the gameplay detestable. And I need something to get my mind off a certain Philosophy assignment so.
Yesterday was listening to the radio (the blue moon was up!) and happened to chance upon one of the more hilarious conversations between radio DJs.
(in the context of the exhumation of corpses in graveyards at Chua(?) Chu Kang)
A: How macabre!
B: Yeah, macabre. Like those loud, squeaky things you can find in Johor Bahru-
C: That's a macaque la bro!
(short silence)
B: ..then what's macabre?
And again on the topic of exhumation,
'This is the only country where when they say 'Rest In Peace' also got deadline. After 20 years they ask you to get up and go!'
Hm, my mom went to watch that Kumar dude at the Esplanade. I'd prefer not to stir up any controversial topic but, y'know. That's what blogs are all about. Sticks and stones. But essentially she casually mentioned that it was a brilliant comedy, but made a rather blunt remark that he
was a man. Hmm. Then came to mind a few other examples like Leonardo da Vinci, or an example closer to home: Oscar Wilde. Perhaps Basil Hallward, but he's merely a reflection of dear Oscar. Strange how the best of actors and artists know how to play both sides of the coin.
Oh, and quote:
(4:49 PM) Joshua: er... rub it! rub it! rub it!
Conspicuously placed quotes ftw. xD
Tomorrow's the start of school! Personally the only thing I find myself not looking forward to is the fact that I'll have to wake up at 6 again. How bothersome! And there's no guitar practice tomorrow either, with a full-dress-on-venue rehearsal on Tuesday so. Busy busy busy.
Friday, March 20, 2009 @6:10 PM
The kind of videos that make you fall in love with a video game all over again.
Okay anyway! Yesterday was the Great Class Gathering Thing. Well, can't really call it that because I doubt even half the class attended, each to their own reason. Well there isn't a lot to say here; those who came should know enough, those who didn't probably don't want to. But let's just say that there was wine and pizza, the former of which I think made me a very terrible host. Ugh! When you're a bit tipsy you don't exactly think a lot, y'know. So to the people I perhaps didn't talk or pay attention to I sincerely apologize for being a terrible host! D:
But besides that there was a ton of things to do; Mahjong, DDR, Rabbids, Halo and all that stuff. A word of gratitude to those who stayed over, normal nights are far too boring! So thanks for warming up the wooden floor, drooling on the couches and wasting electricity bills on mindlessly violent games! But really, your company is much appreciated. (:
As in, really, its a new experience. Its like when you're dozing off in this room, then you suddenly remember that your friends are just a door away (yes, I could hear you through the wall). Its just so strange and dream-like, but its really awesome, so I thank you guys for it. And also I've never really stayed up so late before, as in, past 1. This morning I smelled the scent of the morning dew, the fresh air, and it really brings everything back from my primary school days. This one really, thank you.
I did come to realize a few things over this thingy, one is how rather important sleep happens to be, two being how terribly rusty my electric guitar strings have gotten, three as to my actual capacity for liquor, and the last being how terribly immoral I am.
Temporarily kicking aside the moral objectivist Joel and the ever-saintly Shao Tong, I find I've been misbehaving quite a fair bit recently. Intentionally meaning to miss appointments and meetings, without giving half a damn about the consequences, or more importantly, the obligations. Perhaps my hedonistic, Bunburyist nature (no alternative meaning intended) serves as a contrast; a balance to such people mentioned beforehand, an equilibrium I'd largely prefer to see as my duty to uphold.
But it is strange, how one can understand a viewpoint, comprehend a dilemma exactly, as well as grasp the obligations of given person and resulting emotional dilemma, and yet not be able to. I dunno, feel it and put it to practice? Oh well, but that's just me. Sometimes the understanding of circumstance turns out to be a double-edged sword; makes far too much room for metaphysical speculation.
I think I'm well on my way to diabetes, seriously. Blurred vision, nausea, all kinds of weird things happening. Maybe I really need to go on an anti-glucose spree sometime. But knowing me, such a thing probably won't last too long? Help!
Before I end off, to quote!
Joel to Kuss: Okay, to help you make up your mind whether you're going (for CCA) or not. I'm going to shit!
As Time claws on my flesh, and gnaws on my bone.
I sit here a-waiting
for Time to come home.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009 @9:32 PM
But anyway, trying to obtain Portal even now so. YAY. Something new to play.
Okay today was rather okay. Went to school early to meet Sir Tan dunno what Sern, then used quite some time. Then went for guitar practice! Was rather okay lah, had those small group thingies, shant rant about it too much. It was rather amusing. After which rushed to the carpark because apparently my brother was kinda missing. His class supposedly ended at noon, it was five plus and he wasn't at home. Handphone off, no news, mom overseas, everyone panic.
So I went to collect supplies from Giant for tomorrow's class gathering. Hur, yay!
Okie time to take painkillers again. So many left!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009 @7:52 PM
Yay! Post.
TODAY WAS TERRIBLE. Why? Because there's supposed AEP tomorrow. At least, me and Mush have to meet the "Tan something something Sern" in school, and that's before RIGE practice, so it might be a tad bit inconvenient. And I have to lug three or four huge boards to school, hopefully in a car instead of public transport. No matter, its just tomorrow, right?
WRONG. The day after that there's the class gathering at my place, a lot of tidying up to do. Supplies to buy, chocolate to eat beforehand, computers and ATM machines to password-lock. But at least this is for a good cause!
But back to today. Basically, unlike the much treasured first-day-of-holiday, was spent slogging to try and complete the criteria of four prep boards. Yes, that's basically eight drawing-block papers worth of drawings. Maybe more, my estimates seem a bit groggy at the moment.
Draw until hand cramp, here's a sample:

Due to my overwhelming paranoia of art theft, I refuse to scan in the picture with its full resolution, so y'all have to settle for the crappy resolution from my camera phone! HA! Wait. MY PHONE.
And of course, given my self-prescribed condition of ADD, at least in terms of projects where I lose interest half way, there had to be a way to prevent me from falling asleep! Hence. MAH NOO INVENSHUN.

Yes, those are chocolate brownies you see floating in that thick chocolate syrup. Spam Milo, cocoa powder, chocolate syrup, sugar, condensed milk and chocolate chips and you get this beauty. Its so sugar-concentrated it bubbles. But temporarily ignoring the present possibility of me suffering from diabetes, I gulped it down anyway.
Ugh. I don't wanna go to the doctor anymore. Every time I go its either for a checkup or to collect another round of painkillers. Its not exactly the best thing in the world, but I guess it keeps me and my hedonistic nature alive, so I'll just stop eating apples then.
I didn't get to play KH2 today! But I did make and varnish an awsum Heartless keychain of sorts.

So okay. Its not that bad I guess.
@12:50 PM
Clainsynar: What if all numbers were multiples of pi and our integer system was wrong?
TokMor: stop having such irrational thoughts
RIPpolaris89: omg, brokeback mountain is soooo gay
personman> So pieces of binary information are bits...
personman> And ternary ones are trits...
personman> But that's far enough, I think.
personman> When we get to base 4, we should call it quits.
* Jeff challenges fastpak to a jousting match at high noon
fastpak> shit. horse is..uh...nonexistant.
fastpak> so i guess i'll have to decline
flynavy> you have to understand that when Jeff says "jousting" he really means gay sex
flynavy> and when he says "wanna play a round of WC3?"
flynavy> he also means gay sex
jeff> ...
flynavy> pretty much anything he says boils down to gay sex
flynavy> :D
jeff> want to have some gay sex?
tektronic> sorry dont have cs installed jeff
dsif0r> that lil clip dude
dsif0r> that microsoft uses
dsif0r> he rules.
quish> ...
quish> no he doesnt
quish> he's annoying as hell
dsif0r> yes he does
dsif0r> he always cares about my feelings
dsif0r> people just treat him like shit
dsif0r> and hes only there to help.
debutante> i use dragon naturally speaking
debutante> I say enter and its done
rjx> I don't like those voice recognition programs
rjx> granted I haven't used one in about 3 years
rjx> but the last one I used I would speak a proper sentance
debutante> well im lying anyway
rjx> and it'd come out with "alice alice alice melon grapefruit monkey"
sexor> I went shopping last night at like 1am. the place was empty, and this old woman, just making polite convertation, said to me: "where is everyone??".
sexor> I replied: "In bed, same place you and I should be!"
sexor> Took me ten minutes to figure out why she gave me a dirty look
Faustmaster300:My friend got kicked out of french once.
Faustmaster300:He goes,'Madam! I have a joke for you!'
Faustmaster300:'What is it Zach?'
Faustmaster300:'Why wasn't Jesus born in Paris?'
Faustamster300: and after about 10 min of sitting the hallway, he pops his head back in the door and goes, 'Oh, and they couldn't find a virgin either.'
manson> and I think I had a virus
manson> something about jewish dating
gremlin> you got the jew virus?
manson> I think so...
kirby> lemme guess, it took all your cache?
* ^haksor^ has joined #pipari
^haksor^> anyone have a serial for Soldier of Fortune 2???
tiltti> Y34H-R1GH-TYOU-N3RD-4SS
^haksor^> thanks
^haksor^> not enough letters in that???
tiltti> try adding -H0L3 to the end of it
^haksor^> ok
rocky> i bought a clothes hamper so clothes wouldn't pile up on my floor and yet there is already a pile as tall as a leperchaun
tima> i found that the only way to keep my appartement clean is to start occational fires
And to the people who know about it:
spast> I'm going to be the next Hitler
spast> I'm going to kill all the jews and 1 clown
assa> good, i hate clowns.
spast> ...
spast> goddamnit
HAHA gosh. I swear this'll keep me entertained for the rest of the day. For the people who don't already know:
Monday, March 16, 2009 @4:50 PM
Today is (technically) the first day of the holidays! What did I do on this precious day, one might ask. Well, one might answer, absolutely nothing.
Yes, I intended to do a bit of homework, make a cheesecake or two, then take a walk in the park or something, so far I've done none. But no matter! I saw a lizard.

Those who can't read a single word, zoom.
But anyway, I did succeed in making a rather appealing snack. I call it Death by Diabetes.

Yes, that's a double chocolate brownie with chocolate chips, with condensed milk and Hershey's chocolate syrup poured on it, with additional sugar sprinkled atop its glistening surface. But I shant go about telling y'all the recipe, y'all have to guess from the picture yourselves.
Two songs! Credit to Richard, who also informed me about a certain erotic sci-fi series Barbarella, as well as the strange earth-dwelling ways of the Wicca.
I like the songs a lot.
I think the government should try educating students with video games, but more of like. Vocabulary-wise. After all, I learnt 'heretic' from Halo 2, 'fusiliers' from RoL, and many many interesting terms from a certain research tree in a certain sci-fi game. Not to mention catchy Latin phrases in RTW, and the occasional curse brought back to memory from the enemies in B&W2. Wouldn't English be so much more interesting? *gets assassinated by feds*
Okay then, desperate times call for desperate measures, I'm going to start a hardcore KH2 runthrough starting at, maybe 530? I love that game, simply a masterpiece. But nonetheless, one can contact me on my always-switched-on, ever-inactive handphone, which number I have probably posted on my just as inactive Facebook account months ago.
Sunday, March 15, 2009 @7:11 PM
Rather old Chinese song, just remembered it because my tuition teacher gave me a compre regarding it. But anyway:
Pshht yeah, life pretty much sucks up till now. Not doing anything, not talking to anyone, the sand just trickles away.
Oh, and to all those people going to the thingy on Thursday, pl0x install the Entrenchment expansion if you have SoaSE. If you're a fan of the Advent, it entitles you to use these things:

Yeah I know, kinda awsum.

But yes, I just tested, if you don't then the Multiplayer button will be rendered useless. Yes, means cannot LAN. So pl0x! Inform the others also. I have the file, look for me.
I just looked through a few really old pictures, even if it was for clearing of disk space, the action is nonetheless commendable. And well, I must say. I feel extremely depressed. As much as I recognize myself in those pictures, practically completely unchanged
and just as charming, where am I now? Where has everything gone? What's really changed? I recognize every single person, with a smile on their face, picture after picture. What's happened of them? Where've they gone?
And the photos of you. You still look exactly the same as I last saw you, and its the only representation of you I dare to stare at, or even lay my eyes on, for that matter.
Its the only representation of you that doesn't glare back with menacing eyes, for lack of better vocabulary, as wonderful as they are.
But nothing's changed, has it.
I need a walk.
Saturday, March 14, 2009 @9:56 PM
Okay today was quite weird. Woke up to Math tuition for the first time in weeks, then went to Taka for lunch. Where I picked up two things from my wishlist: a copy of The Picture of Dorian Gray of my own, and a NERF gun! Isn't it awesome! But anyway, just got back from dinner at some club thing. I'd call it a country club but it isn't in the country per se, I'd call it a swimming club but I don't think there's that specific term. Or a club-where-the-only-form-of-currency-is-a-card-and-your-signature. But nehmind, I think you get the point.
One thing! At the end of a certain chapter in Dorian Gray, its stated that there was a 'horrible smell of nitric acid in the room'. Weren't we told in Chemistry class that nitric acid was odorless? And regarding that very same chapter, is it really possible to completely remove a corpse by means of chemical treatment? What's more, chemicals that can fit into a briefcase of sorts. Its interesting nonetheless.
On a side note, I've given up on the creation of my wristblade. It wasn't due to any miscalculation or misconceptualization on my part, but rather the impracticality and lack of consideration for appropriate materials and stuff. And also bad design, but nevermind. I'll just use the rest of the clay for tiny roses or something.
I wonder if my saga seeds are growing. Haven't touched them in ages, and I swear there's a bulge in the soil caused either by germination, germs, or an otherworldy portal from the long-lost lands of lore. Or methane gas. But whatever, don't really feel like digging it up now. I'll just wait for the thing to sprout leaves or legs.
Need to finish two things by tomorrow: Chinese tuition homework consisting of a composition, and AEP work, which is more of a cause for concern. Four prep boards by Monday. Haven't even started. This does not bode well.
But no matter, I've lived this long. Can't be all that bad.
Sigh, don't feel well at all. Hmm. I think I'll sleep early again. G'night, all.
Friday, March 13, 2009 @10:09 PM
For starters,
Heard this song when I was in the DVD store with Kuss after school. After a few songs I determined they were playing the Craig David Soundtrack, or at least one of them. He is my current favorite artist!
Burnt all my bridges now I've run out of places,
And there's nowhere left for me to turn.
Been caught in comprimising situations;
I should have learnt
From all those times I didn't walk away,
When I knew that it was best to go;Is it too late to show you the shape of my heart?
Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,
And it seems as though the writing's on the wall,
Superstar you finally made it,
But once your picture becomes tainted,
It's what they call,
The rise and fall.Let's lighten up this post a bit.

Today was declared a holiday by Her Almighty Highness so I spent the day out. Most of it, anyway. Guitar practice, then waited for an hour or two for Kuss to meet me in school, reading up on World History in the meantime (courtesy of Ms Keh), then proceeding to watch gleefully as he wrote lines in exchange for his EZ-link card. HUR. Humiliating much.
But anyway, then proceeded to go to J8 and eat and walk around while waiting for Tan Wei Xuan to join us for a movie, so we did. Which reminds me of two quotes:
'Bye bye! Go and see your Mr Tan something something Sern!'
'Yah, something something 千古恨.'
But either way, while he was desperately trying to avoid his fellow CDC members, I got Li Yu to join us in the theatre through a phone call, despite The Tan Wei Xuan's fervent disagreements. So the four of us sat through the film with cheesy hotdogs and cheesy nachos and other cheesy stuff. Race to Witch Mountain is a really cool show, I liked it a lot. It was funny and action packed, and unlike other movies like Watchmen, it doesn't have a very constraining criteria to fill, or a huge reputation to hold up. So I can say that the film exceeded my expectations, coz at the start I didn't really know what it was about anyway, no thanks to the injustice of local advertisments.
Why have you lost that smile?Tired, I'm gonna take my painkillers and go to sleep early.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 @8:21 PM
Okay, temporarily putting aside the fact that I LOST MY FREAKING IPOD TOUCH. Its not exactly 100% confirmed but that's the general pretty-much-confirmed belief.
Today had guitar practice. My gut feeling told me it wouldn't go well, and sure enough, it didn't! All thanks to Tan Wei Xuan I was there to see it go from bad to worse. Besides the fact that everyone went totally haywire, and our dearest Excos couldn't control it and the teacher came in and scolded all of us. I then proceeded to, after the practice, choke on an Oreo Ice Blend. Its traumatizing.
Last few days have been rather wet, and I have been taking pretty nice photos. Here are a few:

Aren't they awesome. Still have quite a few lah, but nehmind, I'll post some other day.
Right now I'm just really exhausted. And when you're exhausted, you just think a lot. The same way your life flashes before you on your deathbed, but anyway. 4C'09 is a really nice class. A lot of really nice people. Hyper, fun, lovable, even the teachers say they like teaching our class. But its not about the class here. I just came to realize that really, I don't have any friends.
Well, I am on friendly and talking terms with a lot of people, hang out often, many of you are great people to talk to, and I really appreciate that. But when it comes down to bedrock, I just realize that there aren't any people, or even a person, whom I can really talk to. A person who, if I may phrase it a tad bit selfishly, might willingly choose to hang out around me, maybe in between or after class. A person whom I can feel free to message or talk to anytime after class. A person whom I can never run out of topics to talk about with. A person who, as normal humans may call, is a best friend.
No, I'd prefer if you people didn't see this as another emo post draggily nagging and complaining about life's terrible circumstances, or about some mask people hate but put on anyway for no apparent reason. Well, maybe it is, but who cares. Its just a realization that at the end of every day, I have no one to talk to. Not even a friend.
But what does it matter.
People live their whole lives hoping that, someday, somehow, a rainbow appears after a rainy storm they are going through. Sometimes it does:

-but sometimes it doesn't. And after a while, they lose hope. Sometimes they're surprised when, before their eyes appears something they've forgotten, and sometimes it just slips out of memory. But either way.
What does it matter.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 @6:05 PM
Now, before I begin!
Slightly and relatively proud to say that I am in the recently established Coconut Revolution. Sad to say, the movement ended in failure for the revolutionaries who faced very violent and very brutal threats. But no matter! The Coconut Revolution WILL RETURN.
Isn't a lot to post about, would just like to wish HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Greg, sorry I forgot to add it in at the end of yesterday's post. But no matter! Birthdays are meant to be forgotten! Not that I wanted to but. *runs*
Oh, just wanted to add in. I propose that
this Halloween we all don Guy Fawkes masks in tribute to a dead hero, as well as an honor for a great movie. (V for Vendetta, in case you dimwits didn't notice), so its either this Halloween or we do it on the day itself, November the fifth, which I remember happens to be someone's birthday! *hint hint* I'm serious about this thing, I'm going to make it a point to get the full costume by the day itself. So pl0x join me in this, faithful readers!
Another really awesome piece of music. Seriously wonderous. I suddenly feel the urge to play KH or KH2 all over again. Its so. So. Beautiful. GRAH. At least I hope I can tab it or play it on the piano. And no Daron Tan, ITS NOT SIMPLE FOR A PERSON WHO QUIT AT GRADE 2 A DECADE AGO.
Okie dokie, went to B Div Basketball Finals today, and we didn't do too well, which was kinda disappointing but I can tell the players did their best. Kudos to the basketball team! And not to mention I couldn't attend AEP because of that today, so.
Pei Yi: So did we win?
Me: Uh, no?
Pei Yi: I think we did! We might not have gotten success, but we got its mother!
(I slap my face and groan, WX bangs his head on the nearest wall.)
Pei Yi: Oh, you know now the wall got hands?
Me: (exasperated) WHY.
Pei Yi: Because 强 (墙) 中自有强 (墙) 中手!
Me: *foams*
GRAGH. Tired. Go sleep.
Monday, March 9, 2009 @7:21 PM
These few days have been terribly tiring. I mean, really. Staying up till like, midnight for no apparent reason whatosever, the complete lack of mugging knowledge (not like you need any for Higher CL or Mathematics) and hilariously overdue projects, both personal and forcefully instigated.
Today's HCL test was a disaster. Not an easy thingy. My answers were frighteningly short, so much so I feared for not getting all the points. So as always, I crap something politically correct, plunk it in my best possible handwriting and shove it in the teacher's face. But no matter, I think the rest of the class didn't do too well either.
Reminder to self:
Scan in schematics of proposed wristblade, purchase newest NERF gun, springs and cream cheese.Recently Doctor Robert Castille graced our muchly humbled school from the Royalties of wherever-he-came-from. He was a brilliant conductor and taught RIGE a lot as a whole; its the first time I heard us play so spiritedly. But one quote struck me:
'The best part of every performance is the silence immediately after the piece. The
complete silence; the reaction time of the audience; the time when the beauty of the piece sinks in; when the piece continues to ring in the empty air'
..or something. But either way. Wonderful words. He said it enthusiastically with a smile on his face, and instantly I could feel how superbly beautiful that silence was, a lot more so than when I never noticed it before. The complete silence, when you can hear the pin drop. The exhale. The sinking in. The sheer beauty of the piece that continues ringing in the hallowed walls. That pure silence; pure brilliance.
But besides that, we also got to see our conductor go crazy and jump around so it was so TOTALLY worth it.
Hmm, recently rather intrigued by the Tower of Babel. Here's a picture from Wikipedia:

If my facts are right, (well, excuse me for not reading the Bible) Man used to be some uber-united race with one language and all that, and they decided, hey! Why not we build a huge tower so that we can become known throughout the entire world! Then God saw them, mixed up all their languages and sent them to faraway places all over the world. Either that or they built it so that they could reach the heavens, either way they didn't end happily.
Its such a pretty storyline, if I may call it that without offending anyone, but really. I think its thought provoking. Its like a fall from grace or something. But anyway.
Okay I have to go out now, bye all.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009 @8:15 PM
First of all I'd like to really give credit to the not-so-recently aired film, El Laberinto del Fauno, better known to the general populace as Pan's Labyrinth. Set in the Spanish Civil War, its a real masterpiece as we follow the main character, Ofelia through her dream-like storyline while rather macabre events are happening elsewhere as the storyline develops. The ending. Touché. Kudos to Guillermo del Toro.
And guess where I found the seemingly ever-elusive Vivaldi OST, which I've owed Bryan Cheong since last year. I had sent frantic emails across the Egroups and even personally looked for it in the house. And guess where I found it! In my CD-drive. Yes, scoff all you want, but I haven't opened my disc drive for over a month. At least a few, according to the first message of Cheong pestering me. Oh well, all's well that ends well.
For some strange reason, I seem to be having severe headaches after either 1. Mathematics or 2. Biology. Perhaps I'm sleeping at late hours, or perhaps Trigonometry doesn't really sit well with my neurons. But either way, it leaves me feeling terribly terrible after school, and in completely no mood to attend any after-school thingies. I'd rather they record it as just a severe chill.
Well I can't say RIGE is that bad, but really. Besides the long hours after school, there's the relatively inefficient Exco. I mean, its not their fault, really, and I give them credit for trying so hard to control the savage bunch of guitar-wielding lunatics humping each other during the occasional break. But they really can't control the CCA, and sometimes as one of the more sensible members it gets really irritating when the Exco can't seem to find its iron fist. That's one of the reasons why I think twice about going when Sir Gaspar isn't attending the session.
And that's not all. I mean, practice is starting to get kinda pointless. Its like we go there, play the songs a few gazillion times over (or worse, the same bar), ending up almost as bad as we started off, then we pack up our bags and go home. I mean, why don't you people just LOOK AT THE MENETROME for goodness sake. As much as I try to play to it, everyone else goes off time and we get scolded for it. Waste of time. Almost as wasteful as ___ class.
And of course, there's the present fact that no one really wants me to attend. As much as I'd have a sense of belonging to the CCA, as the model answer suggests, when people fix you with that irritated glare that makes you feel almost as bad as he does for going for another cursed session, it really ruins your day. And its not like I can talk to anyone when I'm sitting smack in the middle of the first row. Its quite a demoralizing place compared to the giggling, squealing chipmunks way at the back.
In conclusion, life is starting to get extremely irritating. And not to mention I was almost late for morning assembly today due to an abrupt, uninformed change in bus drivers. Its not a pretty feeling. Especially with an aching back.
I feel so confused.
Monday, March 2, 2009 @7:34 PM
Suddenly felt like posting for no apparent reason whatsoever. I have a splitting headache now, so I'll make this post short. Well to quote the freshest quote on my mind,
Mrs Tan: My daughter ask me how to prove that 1=0, so I told her, cos0 = 1!
-granting the entire class a groan, as well as (technically) a break from Maths with the trigonometry linked statement.
I seem to be getting short-term memory a lot. Its rather frustrating when I wake up in the morning and try to remember what I wanted to do the previous night, or forgetting what I set out to finish during my free periods. I'm starting to overlook homework, miss appointments and other things. Irritating.
Clearly, I'm not in the best of moods right now. Putting aside the headache, there's still the back pain which I have been suffering from for the past week or so. Been to a sinseh, and after a lot of cracking, I'm convinced he was pressing the wrong parts. So right now I'm trying to persuade myself that sleeping early and forcing myself to eat heaty foods will somehow help the situation. I mean, how 'bout you try putting on your clothes without bending your back. I can't even sit on my chair properly. And my excessively heavy bag, whose weight I have recently taken notice of, isn't really helping.
And not to mention the dangerously large amounts of undone schoolwork. There's the entire issue of E-learning, which I lack faith in to start with. To roughly quote Dorian Gray and I think a previous post, homework is pure humbug. If a man is a gentleman, he knows quite enough, and if he is not a gentleman, whatever he knows is bad for him. Or something. Or was it about examinations. Whatever, same thing.
I'm too tired to think anymore. UGH. I'll just eat my dinner and go to bed.