Monday, December 29, 2008 @7:34 PM
ARGH I just seem so busy these days. Its all been queued up for me or something.
Sunday - Fencing mini-competition (surprisingly fun). Buy fish (surprisingly not eating).
Monday - Watch YESMAN (great show), Archery (which I refuse to go for), Collect IC from RI (which I failed to do).
Tuesday - Go to dentist (receding gums and cavities methinks), Fencing (which I refuse to go for).
Wednesday - Yearly New Year's Party at Jeremy's (which will take the whole day) till next day early morning.
Thursday - Cut hair at hairdresser's (AAAAAAAAARGH.) and do hair, maybe. Annual last minute panicking and packing.
Then the next day is Friday where we will all be making sandcastles at the beach. *curses*.
Petty nonsense. I don't know what to do with my life.
I wonder if you still remember me,
or if I've vanished in entirety.//
Sunday, December 28, 2008 @1:31 AM
Mahjong is in the air! I'm slowly getting the hang of it, even know I hear the tiles smashing together in a flurry in my neighbor's home, just when my family finished. I totally drained my aunt of her coins, and I started out with 10 bucks and finished with $23.80. Which was still not my peak, I think I got around 26 at some point in the game.
Well, today we had a class outing! Which was kinda fun I guess. Went to Vivo where the rest of the crew watched Australia. Looked boring so I passed. As can be clearly seen when they quickly appeared after the show with bloodshot eyes and foaming at the mouth. And GV's Cheesy Hotdogs are.. SO phallic. We were wondering where they come out at the end coz usually its a different place, and I thought of this counter-boy going like.
"Many people go in.. BUT NONE COME OUT."
But anyway, we promptly went to Sentosa where the beach served trouble to my long pants and boots (more or less). But it was kinda fun I guess, throwing the frisbee into the sea, burying slippers, attempting to make phallic sandcastles and digging up hermit crabs. Well at the end of everything, once more:
"*ahem* There is sand on my boots."
Then came the exasperatingly tiring walk to an only known source of liquid, which was miles away. Gorged ourselves upon drink after drink because IT FELT SO GOOD. I love milk tea.
Well right now I have a few hermit crabs beside me with a probably rotting piece of fish in the small container. Going to transplant them to a larger tank tomorrow morning, considering they survived the trip home, I don't think they'll give out now. I hope. I really want a pet. After I couldn't bring home cats and my pet rock left a note and ran away.
I'm going to sleep now. I'm too tired.
Friday, December 26, 2008 @11:26 PM
And he walked, and he waited for something to happen, but he knew nothing would.And he pondered, and he thought.And he remembered.And his fists were clenched so tight, his fingernails dug painfully deep into his palm.And his teeth were gritted so hard, his blood fell drop by drop from his mouth onto the roadside.And his eyes were so full of hate, the barking dogs fell silent and whimpered at a glare.I will destroy them all, he whispered. I will destroy humanity piece by piece, and make each and every one of them suffer as I did - no. More than I did.And heart a-scorning, and feet a-marching,He was born.--
Just a little reading material to spice things up around here. But. I feel so. Frustrated right now. But I feel so. UGH. Like EVERYTHING is my fault. Then when I force myself to do something because I think its right, it just doesn't work. And when I see the same bleeding answer I've been getting for months, I- *screams in frustration*
GOD. I need. Some time alone.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008 @6:19 PM
Thanks to Pei Yi, I have devised a cunning plan. I will attempt to summarize stories or plotlines and the first person to guess the correct origin wins a MYSTERIOUS PRIZE. Okie dokie?
*drum roll*
An alien is banished by his people but escapes his exile and insists on a mission to destroy Earth, where he meets his archenemy and devises futile plans to destroy all of mankind, all this while somehow eluding identification. He has a cute robot companion.
Okay that was a lousy example, BUT GUESS ANYWAY. I had so much to post about, but I completely forgot about everything after multiple failures at contacting
What was I going to say next.
Ah yes.
Monday, December 22, 2008 @11:16 PM
This marks my 101st post on this blog. Whee. Woohoo. *waves flag*
These past few days have been practically strangulatorily busy. Even though I finished my dreaded Higher Chinese Homework before I left for my holiday on the eighth, (yeeees, feel jealous of my superiorness, filthy humans.) there was so much left to do. And so many places to waste my life force at. There was the assignment, then there was the cheesecake, then there was the- nyAAARGH.
On a side note, I just went to get my hair done a couple of hours ago, coz my dad was literally screaming me off the computer. Now my hair is bouncy. And I'm like, LOLWUT. I have to get it cut soon anyway, filthy skool.
Which reminds me when my mom's colleague, who we met in Haneda airport, yes, in Japan once more, mistook me for a Japanese (due to my hair and glasses)(do I really look Japanese?) until she heard me speak, at which point she instantly knew I was Singaporean. At that point, I asked myself, is this a good or a bad thing?
I don't
And just now, was walking down some HDB corridor and happened to look into a few of those human storage unit things, and realized that the whole row was watching that Nonya thing on Channel 8. It was so magical! I felt all of a sudden like completely different families who don't even talk or have eye contact, being connected by this giant metal box!
I swear I'm watching too much of Invader Zim. I LOVED that cartoon as a show, and now that I have access to full episodes I can't turn my back away. From. Behind me. I'm facing the- whatever.
Watched The Day The Earth Stood Still a few days ago, can't say it impressed me lah, but it fulfilled its purpose. Graphics were good, meaning was good, but the storyline was kinda weak. At the end it was so. Ugh. Like nothing really happened.
My recent life is so full of aliens, but it seems like the one thing I can't understand is a human.
Oh, the bitter irony.
Friday, December 19, 2008 @9:04 PM
SINGAPORE HERE I AM. Yes, been busy the whole day unpacking, sleeping, bathing and hugging my computer so there. I'm a really busy person.
Okay, putting aside the fact that we managed to (somehow) kope over 30 chocolate biscuits from the lounge before departing Narita airport, I'll do a post about Hokkaido later. I know in the end I'll probably put if off till I finally decide heck, its so late I can't remember half the details anyway so I won't post it, but we'll see then, ya?
Which reminds me of a fond memory of Japan's special toilet seats, which I will post a picture of later. So I was like hey the toilet has this kewl button press it then my brother's like okay then i'm like okay close the door yo i wanna watch teevee then the toilet's like YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR SPLOOSH and i'm like lol.
Dt feels like screaming coz he really doesn't know what is expected of him, and what to do next.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 @6:28 PM
A few pictures before I'm chased off, let's go backwards shall we?

Wonderful view flying in Niseko!

Snowboarding (which I was somehow a natural at.) (seriously.) To Maple players, HA. In your face.

Breakfast in Hotel Scot Niseko: ~1000 yen. Morning view: priceless.

Wonderful view from top of Mount Hakodate. Much better seen with human eyes.

Goryokaku Tower if I'm not mistaken, google it.

Traditional Japanese inn at Hakodate.

Snow! At Mount Moiwa.

Photo at some park. Look at the SNOW.

Isn't it exciting?
Okay, I'm off, will do a complete picture post once I am free from mouse-lessness and constant surveillance. Back in two days. I so want to go home.
Thursday, December 11, 2008 @6:24 PM
In Hokkaido now, even as I type, the snow is blowing right outside a glass wall. SUTEKI. Its just like falling cherry blossoms but pure white, and squishable. First encounter with snow, ITS WONDERFUL. Its so fluffy.
Well okay lah, recently super tired coz we did a lot of walking, the weather's piercing cold but its kinda cool to be here. Trying to pick up some Japanese customs while I'm here.
Okay, going for dinner soon, considering its already about half past 7 here in Sapporo. Oyasumi-nasai, minasan!
Monday, December 8, 2008 @9:57 PM
At this very moment, I speak to you from a heaven made up of endless rivers of mushroom soup, soft bagels and smokingly sweet hot chocolate. Nope, not in Hokkaido yet, neither am I in my basement, I am in the airport lounge, and I says hi.
Saturday, December 6, 2008 @1:07 AM
Well, today's a Friday and I am really tired. After an attempt to make chocolate cheesecake, including running to and fro from shop to shop purchasing the ingredients halfway through the recipe, I must say, evaporated milk should be placed in the dairy section, coz that's technically what it is. If I may quote myself for further elaboration: Halfway through making the cheesecake batter, I realized I didn't have cheese.
Superficially, things aren't that bad, I suppose. Chinese homework to be completed by Sunday (yes, the whole thing, including the 10 articles), a pile of plates and bowls on the side of my table each adorning sweet delicacies at a certain point in time, dozens of books to read and I don't give a damn. All's well in my temporarily disheveled den.
I feel somewhat empty. Its the reason I close my eyes when I hug my bolster at night. Its the reason I wrap my blanket around me even though it isn't cold.
What do I want, I really don't know. I'm trying so hard to bring back what I had tried so hard to forget. And for what?
If you want to move on with your life and place everything behind, please just deliver me a
coup de grâce. The possessiveness and jealousy I used to have is now replaced by a gaping maw, an empty void, and I don't know if its a good or a bad thing. It tells me I want to see your face again, and hear your voice calling my name again, but-
..I need to think.
Thursday, December 4, 2008 @8:32 PM
Its been a week, and I think my post is long overdue. Well, as you people might have probably inferred, the whole island story thing would've probably ended up as me being their god of sorts and so on and so forth, the classic ending of diabolical laughter (thanks Anderson for word choice) and power-hungry bloodthirsty thingums.
Which brings to mind the classic film, The Road To El Dorado. Loved it as a kid, love it now. About a pair of Spanish rogues (nothing about the inquisition) who stumble upon a map to El Dorado, find the place, are mistaken as gods and have many different things while they're there. Here's a clip:
And then proceeded to watch another animation by (I think) the same makers, Prince of Egypt. They said it sucked and all that, and the poster really didn't do it justice. Being a non-Christian myself, I could still feel impacted by the whole story of Exodus depicted in animated form, having watched another version as a kid, The Ten Commandments was its name, yes. Especially the Passage of the Red Sea bit. Priceless. Here are two songs I liked the best, Deliver Us, seen at the very start of the animation, followed by Plagues, the more wrathful one, personal fave.
Now let's do a quick recap of this week. Monday went to Jerry's house to play, where the sole of my shoe actually came off; thank God I brought my skateboard with me. I'd be limping half the way. Then proceeded for archery where my aiming was terribly off. Until I realized the sighter was off. After which I scored a few 10s. But like, whut the hell.
Tuesday I went for ice skating, along with Anderson, Kwun Tong and The Tan Wei Xuan. I will let my chat logs speak for thems- Oh, can't find them. Well. Besides TWX's incessant screaming and persistent refusal to let go of the yellow ledge, was also his complete inability to skate, which also led to something when the alarm thing rang, everyone cleared off the ice, leaving the helpless TWX (who had summoned the courage to walk along the ledge one round, but was halfway through) on the other side of the ring while everyone else swiftly skated off. I cannot describe the scene as it was, only that it left my stomach aching as I laughed maniacally leaning on the wall thing. HUR.
Oh oh then there was once he was so persistent to hang onto the ledge, when Kwun Tong pulled him back his skates were like. Sliding backwards, and with a "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" he soon fell to the ground with a thud. Guy came over, asked "Are you alright?" He said something along the lines of "WAH LAO KWUN TONG" then the guy asked, "him leh?" and pointed to me, rolling uncontrollably on the floor in laughter.
All in all, was a great trip. Should visit KLP soon, be it for ice skating, bowling, or just the chicken sticks Kwun Tong brought to our attention. But then went for fencing where we started out playing a bit of soccer and socializing a bit before actually getting to practice. Okay lah!
Well as for now, my grandad has cancer, there's blood all over my tabletop and I'm pregnant again. One of the above was a lie.
*licks tabletop*
Oh, WATCH THIS. Its SOOOOO sweet. Well, not the best word, but its the thought that counts.
And of course, the classic granny:
I swear I'm going to show this to my mom to persuade her to let me keep a cat.
Leaving for Hokkaido soon with Jeremy, turns out Greg, Kai Lun and Mr Law are also going there on the exact same dates, so we're gonna arrange something. And HUANG just got back from there a couple of days ago too. Teacher's friend also going there. Waaaah. But considering my dad's probably driving, I better bring all my homework there so I can make full use of the time on the road.
That was a pretty long post, but that sums up the past few days. And I'm really tired, had a couple of dreams; some pretty, some inspirational, some less than comforting, but eventually resulting in, somehow, a fear of falling asleep. Its like a "I don't wanna fall asleep, I wanna spend more time with you" kinda dumb thing.
Inhales and exhales sharply.