Saturday, August 30, 2008 @11:44 AM
Ignoring, for now, the fact that I have nonchalantly fixed my Zakum with a big wad of sticky clay.
And ignoring, for now, the fact that I am now about to attempt a feat never tried before: sending the Black and White 2 disc image file over sharing folders. (took me weeks to get it over torrent)
Just kinda wondered during Math tuition just now. (yes my mind wanders) Perhaps school isn't really like, a thing in itself. How do I put this in words. It shouldn't be what we completely strive for, it shouldn't be something we should single-mindedly tackle. Its not an obstacle, nor should it be the sole reason we are learning.
I think schooling is more of a guide, a sideline instructor? For us to achieve our own goals, acquire our own knowledge, learn our own new ways. People nowadays see school as like, we learn
for school. I think its more of like the school learns for you; as a servant, as a guide.
Which brings me to my next sentiment. While I was in the car on my way back, I looked around. And I realized. The car was man-made, everything in it, man-made. I looked outside. The road was man-made. The curb was man-made. Other cars. Fences. Buildings. Bus-stops. Walls. Signposts. Even the trees, the grasses, they're all plagued with the scent of human alteration.
Seriously. Look around. Everything around you is man-made. The water is distilled, the flowers are fake, even the sounds, the smells, all resemble a construction site or human music. And yet how many things are there around you? Thousands? Ranging from an individual pencil to a crumb here or there.
No matter how much mankind tries to imitate the grandeur and splendor of Mother Nature, he cannot rid himself of the artificial reality that he tries to mask his world in. We are creating a platform, we are using Earth as a platform for our own selfish needs. We are creating tiles, bricks, anything else to shield ourselves, protect ourselves from Earth itself, and yet burrow in it and press it further downwards. We isolate ourselves from whatever is truly natural.
You see, in our world, everything
natural is
And everything not human is
Friday, August 29, 2008 @9:51 PM
Ignoring, for now, the fact that my Zakum (the big one) broke in two pieces, making it an evident failure. DJSHFGUIASKF.
And ignoring, for now, the fact that the Star Wars KOTOR Sith Lords thing refuses to work despite me installing with a legal copy of the game more than three times. This is why piracy is so popular.
Today was okay lar. After a more-interesting-than-last-year Teacher's Day celebration ritual, we returned to our primary schools in respective groups. It was fun! Kinda. A lot of our teachers left but we got to meet our ex-classmates and mock at how different they look. And also do that upside down thing at the pullup bars where a lot of privacy was lost!
Basically a fun time was had by all. While the ACS trio shared all too amusing experiences about how they made six of their teachers cry slash quit their jobs, we went from place to place, including the newly installed table tennis tables (yes, six of them), the busy canteen and the busy busy busy staff room sidewalk. RI sez hai 2 RGS.
Something that the ACS shared!
Originally the beeps are really replaced by the word "count". About a count who likes to count. Punny! o.O
Darth Vader.
I realize I can't keep eye contact with anyone for nuts! It has been commented on but that is besides the point. I get rather uncomfortable when I look anyone straight in the eyes. Its like because my eyes are a window to my soul, and I feel strange with anyone peering too deep. That's my self-explanation.
Rome: Total War is a brilliant game, really. Its second only to Black & White 2. Like, seriously! It has brilliant graphics that enables you to control everything. Its like SimCity + The Sims 2 + War and Gore and so much more! And it educates too! Not only do I know a bit of Geography, but also about conscription and how mercenaries SUCK.
Oh, just now a few peeps came over and played stuff. 'Twas fun because they tried to play DDR and realized the CD was nowhere to be found. Then tried to play Halo 3 then realized the case was empty. Then going to play B&W2 but it wasn't installed on the other computer. Dam funny!
But is oka- EH WHERE'S MY PHONE. Oh there it is.
Which reminds me about something that happened quite a long time ago.
"..I would now like to invite Deputy Headmaster to congratulate the team."
(Headmaster glares at announcer a few feet away.)
and the demon inside he screams "betrayer".
Wednesday, August 27, 2008 @6:33 PM
Ignoring, for now, the fact that for once in a long time, I broke the strict format of a DT blogpost.
And ignoring, for now, the fact that my Aztec pyramid now gleams with a coating of Pearl Gold.
I'm seriously screwing up my life. All my companions are leaving me. Everyone is starting to grow distant. My best friends are starting to drift away. I seriously don't know why. I guess I'm just. Failing at everything.
I'm just so, so tired right now. I want to sleep but I can't. I want to lie down but I can't.
I just wanted to.
Smile and mean it.
Perhaps. Waiting forever is not an answer. Hiding from it isn't an answer either. Its just the avoiding of it. Perhaps I'm a coward, I flee. And at the very end, the answer is just a matter of wrong or right.
I saw you run away. How long are we going to avoid the answer?Okay, fine lor. Just tell me when you wanna come back or you're ready or something. I don't know what else to say. I hope, I wish, I pray but to no avail. I really don't know what else I can do.
Maybe in a few days time I'll look back on this post and think twice and then post something again, but that's the way I am. I am me, and I refuse to change.
And I know that
nothing can come of nothing.
But what have I asked?
We rise with noble intentions.
And we risk all that is pure.
We are only as great as our hearts will allow.And what risk can you possibly take. What have you got to lose. Nothing. You know what I think and what I feel in and out, the exact opposite of what I know of you. Bloody hell, I seriously don't know. I really don't.
Except that when you smile.Okay, I'm seriously tired. I'll just. Go.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008 @3:41 PM
Ignoring, for now, the fact that I am blatantly forcing myself to stick to this format.
And ignoring, for now, the fact that I literally have not touched my AEP nor claywork in days.
Had swimming today. For one, it really made me terribly tired. Two, I now have a cold that makes me sneeze every minute, at least.
Seriously, I feel terrible.
And hence I have neither the patience nor the ability to handle nor solve any. Problems. As of today. In fact, right now I'm so ill that I don't really care about anything else. A bad mood above all else.And I just wanted to say something yesterday. Something along the lines of.
Heh, I'm happy that you're happy. I guess.But of course. Things are.
Will post later, probably, if not dead.
continued..Well, we don't know what to say. Honestly. Oh, let's start with something random.
We firmly believe in a certain policy and constantly manipulate it. The fundamental idea is something along the lines of "Speak no lies, but say no truth". Most of the time, we do not lie to people. We simply choose to either avoid the question or engage in selective revelation. Both of which mean channeling the pressure of a pressuring question smoothly and fluently somewhere else. Essentially, it also means that we do not lie.
"..just go under the shower head, rub here, rub there" -Joel Lim after swimming.
We feel that every one of us is a fighter. We fight against the current of life, we fight against temptation, we fight against our own emotions and impulses, and we fight against others and the society. We all excel in different ways, and there are those who stand out. They are what we call heroes.And yet in our lives, we see no heroes. No one is perfect, and no one isn't challenged in one way or another. We fight our secrets, our scars, our pasts. And some of us fail.
And because we are all imperfect, we are all different, and we have different perspectives, different reactions, different needs. Some of us choose to stand on the stage to give empty words, some prefer to shy away backstage.But the endings are all the same.
Yes, we all meet the same ending. There will come a point in time when Death himself raises his scythe and drags us down to the Abyss to be punished for sins committed in a past life. What makes everyone different. Is how they go down.Will they go down fighting, stubborn and persistent? Will they go down moaning, regretting, unfulfilled? Or will they go down prepared?Oh. I digress.
Sure, life is short. Life is cruel. Life is bleak. That's why we should somehow squeeze every last taste of sweetness from it. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. We strive, do everything in our power and more, to make our lives something we can look back on and smile.
Is your life complete?Can we complete our lives together?
Can you, just once, show me something that will make my life complete?Just the way it was nine months ago..?
Monday, August 25, 2008 @9:37 PM
Ignoring, for now, the fact that I'm quite sure Delwyn is angry at me for skipping CCA and then blatantly being discovered less than fifty meters away at the Kemama shop playing table tennis.
And ignoring, for now, the fact that I have like, four or five brownies left that are probably rotting in the non-refrigerated environment my grandma insisted on.
Hello all, I am not Daryl.Well let's see, what do I have to say. To different people I have different things. And they shall be in different paragraphs.
Y'know, you really make me feel like I'm not a good friend. Whether I did something wrong or offended you or whatever. Its really terrible lah. Like, out of nowhere for no rhyme nor reason just start dao-ing or something. Makes me doubt my abilities and capabilities as a friend. Ugh.
Hmm well. I don't know what to say lah! Every time I talk to you I some way or another reveal another of my secrets without getting anything in exchange. Probably let out a wee bit too much, but either way, I think that people have to tell each other secrets, and place their trust in them in order for them to be better friends, don't you agree?
I think I should be thankful for all the times I had no one to turn to, and you provided the listening ear, encouragement to continue living and everything, so I guess I should thank you and stuff. Friend!
Recently playing a lot of Dynasty Warriors 6 and Rome: Total War, so will be very afk. Moreover, have to rush AEP thing which is basically four months worth of work rushed in less than four days. Ah well.
Ooh, my turn. You see, at the end of everything, at the sunset of each day, we always feel empty, we always are alone. Ask yourself, is there really someone there? No matter what we feel, we are always on our own; we were born alone, we will die alone, as we will live the period in between alone. We are. Alone.Ignore 'im. We watched Alice in Wonderland during Philo today. I must say, it is one of my favorite stories, alongside other titles such as the Picture of Dorian Gray.
Oh, I also believe that since a picture speaks a thousand words, a sequence of a few seconds speaks millions. What can be emphasized with millions of words, crammed into ten or twenty or perhaps, enough to describe the scene, is what we call
books. Why settle for desperate description when you can savor vivid brilliance, or color and taste?
Quoth Homer, "Even the bravest cannot fight beyond his strength". I have, indeed, reached my limits both psychologically and physically. My physical exhaustion, sometimes vainly fueled by a not-too-constant supply of sugar saturated syrup, proves no consolation to a declining moral standard and prioritizing issues. And perhaps minor problem after minor problem over a period of nine months, has caused Mount Etna to erupt from a molehill, and perhaps this situation will not be easy to solve, but can it?There's swimming tomorrow. Can't say I'm really looking forward to it. Can't say I'm even looking forward to going to school. I've practically stopped looking forward to any time in my life. I have no goals, I have no aspirations, I have nothing to strive for. See, that's how miserable I am.
Quoth Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus, "What can a soldier do who charges when out of breath?" And what, perhaps I shall stop to catch it, although perhaps it would be easier if I ran after. But stop? When the rest of the world, the rest of my world is pushing forth? When a mere halt would signal for those behind to rush past my ear? When a stop would mean you leave me in your tracks?I like nine because it is the only single digit number where the individual numbers of its two-digit multiples all add up to nine.
"The gods favour the bold", Ovid.Do they really?
And hence.
Friday, August 22, 2008 @11:31 PM
Ignoring, for now, the fact that I just spent hours in order to finish tabbing Io Che Non Vivo Senza Te, a disgustingly long guitar song where I was rendered a sitting duck without tabs throughout practice today.
And ignoring, for now, the fact that tomorrow is officially AEP slash baking day.
Tragic Parody Night was quite kewl lah. Ignoring, for now, the fact that they totally ripped the Emcee thingies from Rowan Atkinson skits. (including Shakey) I think Shao Tong's group was just very unprepared lah. Someone was uncooperative and the whole group went down. RTYJ's group was quite good, but I think the sexual connotations were a bit a lot. It gets weird after a while. David's group was more of a parody of himself. It was evident that Weng Hong's was the best one lah. Personally, I liked Elmo. And John's interpretation of Shakespeare.
I cause my own heartbreak, I cause my own pain andThe guilt and disdain's what drives me insane andThis flurry of feelings I cannot constrainGoes to show we're alone in the wind and the rain.To Hell with love and its foolish victims.And to Hell with the idiots that can't live without it.To Hell with me.If I live not in Hell even now.Perhaps you still care.Or perhaps its guilt.Or perhaps my gaze doesn't matter anymore.I just wish I could see myself in your eyes again.And it seems it is what we think of when there's no one aroundThat wields the most truth.What it could've been, who we might've been.What you should've seen.But sometimes, I wonder too.Not how, but why.Is there a reason for this silence?And is the reason worth it?And then when things happen.I just shrivel up inside.Coz I l-Oh whoops. That got out of hand. Stupid thing.
I'm very tired. I need rest.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 @3:54 PM
Ignoring, for now, the fact that I'm supposed to be at the Guitar Room like, now, playing for Sir Chang with the rest of the ensemble.
And ignoring, for now, the fact that I have Tan Wei Xuan's water bottle in my bag like, now, hopefully it doesn't make my bag explode or something.
I am selling my miniZak! Pl0x offer. Starting bid $5.
Besides today's PE lesson where I discovered that there is something terribly wrong with my lungs. Its like a short sharp pain in my ribcage when I try to swim too much. Uh. Besides that, English debates today was rather interesting!
Proposition: Lady and gentlemen..
Me: Touché.
There was like, a clear difference between the two teams lah! Not in terms of the case nor the strength of it, but the appearance. Like, the proposition was all huffy and puffy and nervous and constantly discussing what to do next. And when you look at the opposition they're like. Casually talking, laughing, relaxed like crazy. Quah influence ring! o.O
And when Li Yu the last speaker was talking, it was the most hilarious scene ever. The opposition was like, openly laughing and doodling on their work and didn't really seem to be listening. At all. Coz last speaker mah!
Oh. Went down to get a camera, got sidetracked and forgot. Will go down now.
There we go. Pictures from our beloved Bio practical. Here we have:
HART Stage 1:

HART Stage 2:

HART Stage 3:

And there we have dear Jarret holding up a perfectly retrieved artery. Somehow? I don't know, don't ask me. He should be forbidden from dissection!
I am currently attempting to locate my Rome: Total War disc 1. Which is the most essential "Play" disc. Where the bloody hell did I leave it?
Oh, and a sunrise I took in school today while almost no one was looking.

Lazy too upload any more pictures at the moment, including the failpic, so too bad for the lot of you. Ah. I like nine because. Two plus seven equals nine! And 27 is a nice number.
This are what us guitarists are capable of!
Forgot what else I wanted to post about. Oh yeah. Things due include: AEP work, ERP, Chinese compo, and I forget what else.
Love is not a war, nor is it a challenge. It is a game; a free-for-all. There are no winners, nor losers. There is only time and opportunity. In a constant pursuit, a constant motion, most cases are like waves that meet and part, come and go.True love is much rarer.Ah, and I would also like to state that whatever paragraphs are italicized are in fact, coming directly from my muse slash conscience slash split personality. So if you are not amused, I think you should make a conscious effort to split up the content of the post.
Gonna try starting on AEP work now. Ta ta.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 @8:26 PM
Ignoring, for now, the fact that I was cheated into thinking that "Vanilla Flavored" milk tea satchets only had a hint of vanilla when in actuality its like powdered milk.
And ignoring, for now, the fact that my f___ing-weary body just lugged home a lot of self-raising flour (which is different from normal flour), caster sugar (which is different from normal sugar) and golden syrup (which is different from maple syrup), as well as a kilo of baking chocolate after having a brief encounter with nothavingenoughmoneytopayforthethingsatGiant.
"..thinking they can escape-d from the law!" -Sir Law.
"He is as pro as proteins!" -Yu Pei Yi aka the Joker.
(removed for privacy sake)
We had Bio today where we dissected hearts. I minced mine. I will elaborate on a later day when I'm not watching teevee. Which reminds me, I might not go for CCA tomorrow because 1. it sux and 2. Biology CCT.
Oh, apparently Bryan just found my blog. Let us welcome a new reader! Hi Bryan! To think that he's been calling me an Antichist for some time without reading my blog posts. Wait till he sees some of the archives.
I have a confession to make. The reason why I don't really want to go home. Sometimes not at all. Is coz sometimes when I'm alone or when no one's talking to me, the voice in my head starts acting up. Its not exactly a voice lah. But its like a conscience that forces thoughts filled with malice and misconception into my mind. He's terrible. Sometimes I feel like screaming. Sometimes I feel like dying. Sometimes my mind really does.
Ugh. See? This is why I don't wanna go home. Everyone pl0x me more understanding and host moi.
There's swimming lesson for PE tomorrow! Dunno lah, haven't swum for a long time, plus a lung problem thingum, definitely will drown or something. Hopefully I don't. Die and such. But besides that, I love the water. Its like flying.
Why, its almost laughable. Early this year I was like, it can't get any worse than this. It used to be so much better. And now its terrible, its the worst it can be. Then sure enough, it did get worse, and too quickly for my mentality to catch up. And then came a part where it started to turn stale, then I was like, oh it can't get any worse than this. I should have taken the chance when there was still so much hope, so much chance left. Oh, it can't get any worse than this. Then came to the point where the roads started to divide and the person I watched from afar was a much brighter, happier one, albeit a mask, and I was like, oh, it can't get any worse than this, the silence was so much better than the moving on and I should have grabbed the chance when I had it, when there was still so much of me left in there. Oh, it can't get any worse than this.
And yet here we are.
Why, isn't it laughable? What desperation I turned to.
Just how much worse can it get.How much?
look at me, look at me.
please don't look away.
Monday, August 18, 2008 @6:30 PM
And ignoring, for now, the fact that there's a much awaited Geog CCT tomorrow which I haven't mugged for.
" y'all better start answering, before I squirt stuff on your faces!" -Kai Yong wielding Nike bottle.
WX: Eight
a square plus
a square is what!?
Me: Uh. Nine
a square?
Ah. Very tired. These three days its fencing-archery-fencing. Gonna break a bone sooner or later.

I like nine because its one short of ten. Its like, almost there but not complete, kinda thing.
I know there was a ton of things I wanted to post yesterday but either 1. can't bring myself to post now or 2. really can't remember. Ah well.
Are you sure you're home?
Continuing from just now then.
Well I guess the thing about me is that I don't show what I feel. Sometimes not at all. Not in just one specific case. I don't know why I like hiding so much. Its like, the more I care about someone, the more I try to pretend I'm neutral, and the more it seems I'm blatantly ignorant. Foolish, foolish fool.
I kinda figured its about the supply and demand. The society demands a fun, charming, sociable and sensible boy, so I try to give it to them the best I can. Its like that painting by Salvador Dali. The one with bacon and the meaning being something along the lines of the community "eating" (or rather, accepting) the image that he gives.
Does everything about me have to be pretentious lies? What really needs to be hidden? Haven't I suffered enough for deceit?
Y'see, the problem with wearing a mask is that. Sooner or later, you'll forget who you were beneath it.
For all the rightest reasons, I've been making all the wrong reactions.
And I really don't see how much more screwed up I can get.
My home left me when I walked out that door.
Sunday, August 17, 2008 @10:35 PM
Ignoring, for now, the fact that I have, in fact, already posted today. But its okay.
And ignoring, for now, the fact that I need a lot of baking materials before I can start on Sticky Chocolate Brownies.
First of all, congratulations to the Singapore Womens' Table Tennis Team for getting Silver in the Olympics for the first time in 48 years. It was a rather close fight!
As promised, finally managed to plug my camera in. Here is another sunset from my place.

I have also come up with another theory about why 1=2.
1(0) = 0(0)
:. 1=0.
2(0) = 0(0)
:. 2=0.
P1. 1=0.
P2. 2=0.
C. 1=2.
I've already posted a failpic, but another reason why I like nine is uh.
I have recently come up with an idea for a new game. Its larger than any I've ever played but it should bring some interest into my life.
What if I told any of you that I can make your dreams come true?What if I told any of you that I can bring out the fires of any of your deep and dark desires?What if I told any of you that I am like a Mephistopheles of your inner Faust.The serpent under't innocent flower, who safeguards the apples of temptation, ripened for your picking.What if I told any of you that, for a while, the whole world could be yours?For a price.This shall be interesting, though I shall reveal the true nature of this deviation on a later note.
And not to mention my new temporary motto.
Cruelty makes perfect.Abstinence makes none.
Madness ensures that the game's always won.
@4:18 PM
Ignoring, for now, the fact that I was just blog-hopping and trying to steal ideas from all over the place, in vain.
And ignoring, for now, the fact that the muchly-dead Class Blog does, in fact, have a higher blogpost count than my main blog.
Cookie! I swear this is the wrong recipe for those Butter Cake In Cup thingies. I did search for the correct name on wiki, but all I got was a flower and a green girl.
1. Put butter in oven.
2. Heat butter at 250 degrees C for an hour until cooked.
3. Remove from oven and pour over sibling (if any).
Hmm. Some thoughts about the Blair Witch Project. On a seemingly unrelated note, I think Americans are now on the brink of becoming veterans of verbal violence. Its very vexing. Every five minutes they'll extravagantly vindicate every evidently innocent subject in their vicinity. The virtue and valor in the American vision is vanishing with violence vivified for vanity.
Fwee! Prize to whoever counts how many Vs there are first.
In my opinion, the best one ever.

I like nine because. We are the RI batch of '09! Yeah!
Still haven't been able to stretch the cable thing to facilitate my camera. Soon!
I would like to make a comparison so it will be better understood by people who do not understand my
addictions. Chocolate to me is like. A white potion. Or something. And lychee syrup to me is like a Mana Elixir, in that sense. As of now I am unclear if there are stronger healing things (such as laksa and the like) so this will suffice. Of course, my Power Elixir would b-
Bliddy hell. I must at least finish the sketches I promised myself to do. Otherwise won't be able to finish the AEP homework by who-knows-when. *lazy*
Anarchy forever!

Saturday, August 16, 2008 @11:22 PM
Ignoring, for now, the fact that I am currently conducting an experiment on whether clay mixed with powder would dry faster than regular clay.
And ignoring, for now, the fact that I intend to use this newfound knowledge for my own sadistic benefit, such as putting it on my fingertips so whenever I touch someone, that part hardens within a few seconds resulting in that person freaking out.
Just got back from Suwe's place. Like, super late now. (its 11+ at night, I'm quite sure blogger has contrary beliefs.) Uh. Tried to mug for bio there but after a while it got terribly boring! So ah well. To think he actually groups his contacts! (see my contact list, 212 contacts under Other Contacts.) I can just imagine right now a frustrated Joshua Suwe trying to convince an "egoistic" RTYJ and lots of other people something other than their perverted beliefs! (Plus other people he probably doesn't know I talked to.)
Uh uh. And he got scared by a face that I refuse to comment on, considering just hours before I had watched The Blair Witch Project on YouTube and am, till now, still quite shaken.
Something relevant to the current Olympic spirit:

I like nine because uh. "azazylix." has nine characters, including the dot. Yeah!
There are a spectacular number of crows in the neighbourhood recently. I bring this up because just this afternoon when I was exitting the house. There were three crows perched on my gate alone. And when I walked out the gate, there were crows perched everywhere around. Trees, fences, gates, rooftops, lightning conductors. Scary.
Behind this mask is more than just flesh, Mr. Creedy. Behind this mask. There is an idea. And ideas are bulletproof." -V
One of my favorite quotes from the movie. Along with "
Oh no no, stealing implies ownership. You can't steal from the censor. I merely reclaimed [these artworks]."
Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici!
Au revoir.
Friday, August 15, 2008 @6:38 PM
Ignoring, for now, the fact that I suspect the educational authorities are tracking and watching students' blogs.
And ignoring, for now, the fact that the Singapore Table Tennis team won (insert something here) in the Olympics.
I would upload a picture of a sunset but my USB is minorly faulty, I shall upload two tomorrow.
Okay, today was kinda fun slash screwed up. First period free, really bored and didn't really manage to accomplish anything. Contrary to my initial goals. Second period PE, managed to make everyone super tired, and then got caught changing in class. I was instigated! *points*
Bio was more. Interactive than usual, coz there were external watching teacher things. But it was still boring. I didn't eat a single M&M lor. No one share with me. English was kinda cool, research on the looming debate or, as The Mistress would call it, battle. We have Jarret on our team but I think we all have to do our part anyway. That means you, Pei Yi.

The time after school was okay-ly spent. Went to J8 with Ry, Snao and Kuss! and ate lunch at Food Junction. Super expensive, not to mention the constant stealing of certain people's belongings. So later on Ry and Snao left and then me and Kuss decided to go to. Macs! Where we met the duo, Mush and Tan Wei Xuan. There was much laughter and the eventual goodbye of one of the group coz he got picked up for a date. Anyway.
Watched Meet Dave. It was really funny at certain parts. o.O Once again, much laughter was had by the remaining three, especially when a certain Tan Wei Xuan was squealing against certain advances by a certain Kuss. "..and the action starts when the lights go out!"
I like 9 because it is one of the numbers in my favorite two-digit number! I just think the number looks nice because of its duality, nothing more, contrary to popular belief!
Oh oh oh! Quote.
Mush: But Wei Xuan's ass is five times the size of yours!
WX: Aiya, (teacher's name)'s ass is five to the power of ten times mine lah!
(everyone laughs.)
Mush: Actually what's five to the power of ten ah?
WX: Uh. Fiftee.
At least you realize your calculation error later on lah!
V for Vendetta is a brilliant movie. The fighting spirit of a single man that can change the entire world. V greatly appeals to me as someone who, more than some, appreciates art and flency in language. I recommend all of you to watch it, but my copy's with Weng Hong now so there! Weng Hong take your time! Serious!
Ah sian I think I missed the sunset coz I typed too much.
My walls are dark, my light is faint. My eyes are scarlet red. Burn the fuel, try to find the Feelings never said.
My world's completely black and white and
Not a trace of warmth in sight and
Never has it been as bright when
Two ones ruled the world.
When two ones ruled the world.
Thursday, August 14, 2008 @5:05 PM
Ignoring, for now, the fact that I now sometimes write down what I want to say on 1. handphone memo or 2. Windows Taskbar stickynotes.
And ignoring, for now, the fact that I am eating mooncakes. Now made public! Keep it alive this time, necromancy needs mana.
Oh, almost forgot. Here's a pic from my place. Took a long time to upload so bask in its glory!

I have decided that whatever I say that is related to my emotions will go through a three-hour screening. After three hours, if I still feel like that after logical thinking and processing, then I will allow myself to post it. This will prevent me from shooting my mouth off and doing slash saying impulsive slash stupid things.
I am a firm believer of two theories when it comes to writing.
1. Short and sweet.
2. Why use big words when you can use simple ones?
Which is one of the reasons why I finish a lot of writing tests (e.g. Chinese Compo) a long time ahead of others. And which is why every time I finish my paper I look up and I see everyone still struggling and I feel insecure and worried that I did not write enough. Over the years it gets better so ah.

I like nine because I was born in the year one nine nine three. There.
Not going to Guitar practice tomorrow. Super sian. We totally screw up half the time and Jiheng isn't exactly very critical nor strict towards the noisy greenhorns. Delwyn sits there throughout. Ugh.
I think I really have to get started on my AEP work. The deadline is in two weeks and I haven't exactly done a lot so far. Okay fine I haven't started. But I will now! Soon.
I was just wondering at dates and was thinking about 8/8/08. Then 9/9/09. And 10/10/10. And I realized that the last day that this can actually occur is on the 12th December 2012. Interesting. Something interesting will probably happen on this day to make it more monumental than it already is.
Someone in the prefect nominees quoted from V for Vendetta! The whole "..if you think how I think, if you feel how I feel" thing. CHEATER.
V remains one of my favorite movies. If I find the DVD I will rewatch it.
I wonder what would happen if I died. Honestly. Perhaps now. Suddenly spat blood and fall forwards onto the keyboard, hitting the mouse already stationed at Publish Post. Tomorrow I'll be in the papers, and people will see.
And maybe some people will cry a little bit. And the world will change a little bit. And some of my stuff will be let out in the open. And some things will be all over the place. And maybe it'll be better for some people coz they won't have to see me again.
And maybe my last words will be someone's name, maybe not.
Morbid slash appealing.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008 @6:18 PM
Ignoring, for now, the fact that I realize that this pattern of ignoring, for now, the fact that is becoming quite trademark of my blog posts and thus does not directly reveal an update to brief blog-surfers.
And ignoring, for now, my Zak will never ever fall again due to added support at the back!
Today was okay lah. Because of a certain Jarret HUANG we were made to change our seating arrangements which placed me right in the inner reaches of Yu Pei Yi's Circle of Blight, Cob for short. But we soon turned it back upon him after a series of muchly anticipated "thefts" which eventually resulted in him screaming.
I think we're getting too noisy during Bio and SS. SS I don't really care coz she's boring anyway. o.O but Bio! Sure NKY's lessons get quite boring, but that doesn't mean we totally blow our mouths off and make him all pissed! (HUANG Yiheng mentioned his terrible mood in the period after he came to 3C.)
Oh, as promised, a Failpic!

Poor thing. o.O
Oh oh oh, I have been vomiting recently, have sudden intense cravings for certain foods and even have mood swings! I'M PREGNANT. Oh dear.
I see thoughts formulating. o.O
Things due: PPT Presentation on biguglywomanwithunibrow and Picasso by tomorrow, Chinese Compo, and RE reflections.
Was going to skip CCA today but due to a certain person's. Stuff. I went today and shall skip on Friday. :D Its okay all, we play Hide and Seek the next Friday there's practice.
One reason I like 9! Because because. I was born at approx. 9pm on my birthday. Its true!
Oh, tomorrow got History CCT! Oh noesh better mug! D:
Going to try mastering two songs, Radical Dreamers and Summer. On guitar! Just now practiced Summer until quite good liaoz. Tomorrow bring guitar again and practice. :D
I will get my old blogskin! The white one. The text is 10x nicer than this. ":D D: T.T" fugleh.
Don't ask me why I'm angry at you right now.Oh look at the time. I shall go and take a shower before I either 1. finish either of the homework, 2. practice my beloved guitar or 3.
mug history do some AEP exploration. Bye bye!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008 @7:58 PM
Ignoring, for now, the fact that I ONCE AGAIN FORGOT WHAT I WAS GOING TO WRITE.
And ignoring, for now, the fact tha- AH my Zakum fell down again.
Oh! I remember one thing. I submitted the appeal form for PSL but in the end decided against turning up for the interview. Why? Coz although I really wanted to, it was for the wrong reason, at least a wrong reason for basing an entire year on. And I decided so. Therefore. Yeah.
AH my Zak fell down again.

One Failpic a day!
Hmm, today the only relatively interesting part was the Lit parody, which was quite amusing in my opinion. Ignoring, for now, a certain accident involving a certain someone else's completely unintentional and unexpected revealing of certain areas at a rather coincidental moment with something along the lines of "unsex me here!"
Yeah we turned out quite okay (except for a few forgotten lines).
At least that's one burden off my back!
Shameless advertising!
And my class blog once my petition to make it public succeeds. *evil laughter*
Am listening to Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off. Sure the title's a bit long but. Gives me this weird feeling which is not by any means related to sex. Contrary to the lyric's meaning.
I'm seriously forgetting what I intend to type. At a phenomenal rate.
Oh! I shall now list reasons why 9 is my favorite number. For one, we are from the RI batch of '09. From here on I shall list one reason per post!
I fainted yesterday. Probably out of exhaustion. Like, just collapse on the floor, then painfully dragged myself to my room nearby when everyone else was downstairs. Then passed out cold for two, three hours. Physically, emotionally tired ba.
Still can't compare with the time I was so groggy I walked straight into a wall.
On the verge of exhaustion and insanity, and no one gives a damn.
Sunday, August 10, 2008 @10:03 PM
Ignoring, for now, the fact that I COMPLETELY forgot what I was intending to post about.
And ignoring, for now, the fact that my neighbor is currently making a lot of noise due to a(n) auction/cult ritual/dictatorship lesson/mass orgy.
Shit I really forgot.

Recently haven't been doing much. A lot of claywork, stoning, lingering, back to B&W2-
OH. Concerts! Went to two concerts in two nights. One was Limelight by Raffles Voices. And all I can say is
Seriously. Its one of those concerts that make you feel so inferior as a mere guitar player! Sheer brilliance, mastery of the art of voice projection and manipulation. An orchestra of perfectly and intricately weaved masterpieces, twisting and maneuvering to form such grand, fantastic, inspirational flames that fill the crowd with emotion. (Except Mr Law who was asleep.) Kudos to the soprano(s) who reached breathtakingly high notes.
And I saw Kai Tsi and Li Yu and Mark and Iqbal and Wei Li! They was singing! Lulz. Three cheers to RV! And minus three cheers to a certain few people who ponned (wink wink), especially the two people supposed to sit next to me. Whose identities I shall find soon.
And ignoring, for now, the fuss Mr Law caused later on near the exit. Probably still groggy after the nap. (grinz)
Wednesday was chaRIty! It was okay, not exactly spectacular but. I don't see how its a formal concert!
P1 chaRIty was a formal concert.
P2 Emcees are not allowed to make jokes at a formal concert.
C Emcees were not allowed to make jokes at chaRIty.
In that case, bad choice of people luh. Wei Xuan and Kwun Tong, best for anything but serious stuff! But still okay lah. Guitars weren't too good. Erhus (solo by HUANG and SZ) were skillfulz. RV was brilliant as always, bringing to mind the pretty tune of Greensleeves which I am now addicted to. Tey Guan was loud with his repeated calling of "Tamacun encore!".
And there came RISE. (murderous look.)
Skill-wise it was really okay, in fact it was quite good! BUT CAN'T YOU PEOPLE HAVE CHOSEN A SHORTER PIECE. A BIT LONG RIGHT.
Hmm, can't remember much else to talk about lah. Zak project is once again on hiatus after a short sprint involving finishing the head part. Now going to continue my Aztec pyramid, mini-Zak and-
Everything's at a standstill.
Tomorrow have to go for some high tea thing for my aunt's birthday. Have to miss rehearsals, but hopefully the acting will turn out okay in the end.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008 @3:55 PM
Ignoring, for now, the fact that I have to rush from f___ing later (ends at 7:30) to the RV concert (starts at 7:30).
And ignoring, for now, the fact that my ant nest is now covered with a thick layer of baby powder due to evil actions by a certain sibling.
"You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named 'Bush', 'Dick', and 'Colon'." ~ Chris Rock, referred to by HUANG Yiheng.
"I will now damage the atmosphere! (repeatedly jabs LJS plastic plate with plastic fork) RELEASE CFCS!" -Anderson.
Today was quite evil. Brought my sword to school for Daron Tan's group and their lit parody but the rest of the class took it and played with it. I don't like. Especially when 1. the blade of that very sword saved my life and 2. an object of the same type almost killed me (and left a scar). So I left it to Anderson to take home! Where NO ONE CAN TOUCH IT. (I hope.)
Chemistry is FUN! Although I think I'm really falling behind in terms of memorizing stuff, I suddenly have the inspiration to read up and improve. Mr Jason Tan is a really good teacher!
House Meeting 3 was quite screwed up. Although, favorably, it ended 20 minutes before its time, it was really very screwed up. The first video they showed, about how failure is the mother of success. The voice inside my head was mocking with something along the lines of "EXCUSES." This house meeting didn't really leave an impact on me, I guess all we can hope for is we'll do better next year.
Hopefully I can be one of the Exco despite me not attending that briefing that took a long time. And maybe even though I haven't played Table Tennis for months, I can hold my stand in the Inter-House competitions coming soon!
PSL applications is very BIASED. From what I know, HUANG Yiheng, Chia and SZ were not selected, and I'm pretty sure other people like Guan weren't either. Evidently it is an anti-Scorpian mutiny. Considering whether or not to appeal against this complete discrimination against a certain group of people.
I might change back to the white color blogskin (if I can find it) for it is much more convenient to put smileys there that look nice. Compared to (:D) here where the D looks queer.
As much as I miss the old days, I think its about time I started
moving on. Or at least not let this completely overcome me. Sure, it would be really, really nice if everything somehow miraculously cleared up and stuff but. Its just difficult to cling on to hope of resurrection for so long. Even though it would be. Nice.
But I will do nothing more. If you will spare me not even the simplest, slightest piece of information, then there is nothing I can do. But in any case, just know that no matter where I look, or what I do, deep inside I'll secretly be waiting just a little bit for a sign, any clear sign.
And who knows, this may just be the end.So I'll bid a maybe-goodbye, dear friend.If so, I hope one day we'll see each other again.And look at each other and smile.(Oh, and guess where I ate dessert for the first time that fateful, memorable Saturday afternoon way back when.)
Friday, August 1, 2008 @8:09 PM
Ignoring, for now, the fact that I only JUST got home, the exact time now being 8:10, making my total travel time a total of one and a half hours.
And ignoring, for now, the fact that I am due for dinner despite the half empty potato chip tube at my desktop now.
Today was interesting enough. Free period first, guitar all the way. PE, ran 2.4. Was pacing Shao Tong who was extremely pessimistic and evil and started giving up halfway. Heck, I failed by 12 seconds, but it felt good in the end coz I was there for a friend.
I can safely say that RIGE really SUCKS at the moment. For one, the other parts take forever to not even get the notes right. Probably because of the week-long vacation from guitar, and the addition of new Secondary Twos into the ME. Sure, I'm guilty of a bit of that, but I usually make it up double-time by playing super well the next session. We shall see. But at the moment, it sucks.
Take me away.
A secret place.
The sweet escape.
Take me away.Honestly? I really feel like running away. From here. From everything. I wanna go out to the park and camp there until everything ends. I wanna lock my door and stay there till the earth stops spinning.
I'm so confused. I don't understand at all. Then, what's there to understand? Well sure, its faded. But I like to be nearby. I just feel nice, sometimes.
A tragedy, by humans actions alone?
I cannot understand. I really cannot understand. What could it have been? What happened? Why is it this way? Is there still something there? Is it something that can be saved?
Man, it must feel good to be aware that someone is still smitten with you, huh. That you're more to someone than another face in the crowd of this world rushing past.
I'd bet it does. Lucky you.
What's wrong?
Why have you been keeping quiet all this while?
Why have refused to tell me anything behind masks and unrelated words?
Do you think its gonna help?
Is it so difficult?
Do you really want to see this end?
You know this is a problem that can be solved too easily. In an instant. With a word. Either word. Its just so damn simple.
I really don't understand what is so. Complex about all this. No more excuses. One way or another.
I beg you.
Edit: Figured you probably wouldn't appreciate my online presence so.