Thursday, July 31, 2008 @7:50 PM
Ignoring, for now, the fact that 2.4 is tomorrow and I know I'm going to die doing it.
And ignoring, for now, the fact that I have to do a two-month overdue essay in around three hours.
Self quotes!
"I don't see why you people take so long to finish. I completed the Comprehension CCT with at least ten minutes to spare!" (gets glared at by half the class.)
"I just cut my hair."
"Ooh, do you look better now?"
"You don't understand.
I just cut my hair."
Recently starting to play SimCity 4 again! Its fun because you get to make tons of profits. My last city had an overall profit of around $10,000, if I'm not wrong. And a university and an offshore resort. Yay!
Reminder: Saturday AEP RJC Camp. Next Wednesday ChaRIty concert, have to get tickets. Next Thursday or Tuesday RV Concert. RICO Concert all the way on the 31st August.
Feel like dying.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 @7:28 PM
Ignoring, for now, the fact that tomorrow is the English CCT, and due to my ignorant nature, I just noticed.
And ignoring, for now, the fact that I am spamming Vitamin C in preparation for the 2.4 run on Friday, hopefully I can survive.
Today was rather fun. Memorable being the RE period, where after waiting a few minutes, our teacher shows up, gives up a brief debriefing and leaves us to do whatever we want. The three of us basically, not wanting to move, sat there for like, half an hour, outside the staff room. One teacher passed by us three times and couldn't help staring. Hilarious.
After school was the Guitar thingy. Dam fun! We had to move ALL the stuff from the old (underground) Guitar Room to the new "Guitar Room". Its basically moving at least forty guitars, ten racks, two deadweight heavy black metal things, cupboards, boards, chairs and hundreds of boxes of paperwork, one by one, from a basement level to a level three. In school uniform, on a sweltering day, without wheels.
By the end of it all we were dead tired and driven half insane, but heck, it was kinda nice to know that you played a part in assembling one of the jigsaws that will last for an entire year more.
But it could have been better.
Oh, and one last thing. During lit, MoE gave out lollipops, and I had two, one of which I eated. But somehow, after recess, the entire group's lollipops were gone.
I would like to tell this scoundrel of a thief that doing so is utterly disgraceful. For someone to get some decent marks, then receive a token, a treasured prize. Then to have it secretly stolen from him. This world is about justice, and things that people
deserve. Is what they should get.
Anyway, investigation will be treated as fun practice. I recommend the thief to own up.
Not in the best of moods now. Tomorrow have Chem OBA and English CCT, and also have to present about some painting in AEP in front of Deupty Headmaster Sir Kenneth Kwok. Not very nervous about the latter, and don't really care about the first two, but still.
I really cannot bring myself to do anything now.
I feel like
Tuesday, July 29, 2008 @7:39 PM
Ignoring, for now, the fact that my NAPHA 2.4km run is due on Friday.
And ignoring, for now, the fact that a few of the ants in my recently-made mini ant nest have died for unknown reasons.
I just wanna comment that during PE today when I was playing floorball, I was already having great difficulty breathing. I can conclude that it is asthma but I really don't know. Felt like dying even running small distances. 2.4km how?
I just got back from half an hour of cutting my hair (a little bit) with an electric hair cutter thing that my dad bought when I was younger. Anyone dare tell me my hair still too long, I rip your ballz off. There was this huge black pile there and it is huge.
Today went with a bunch of people to Macs where Tan Wei Xuan exhibited his skills.
"Umbrella!" -Tan Wei Xuan.
Anyway, after prank calling and failing with a few people, including Max HUANG, everyone left and I went with Daron and Richard to get their Chinese props. Went to Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf(i think?) and finished up my overdue 读者报告 while savoring air-conditioning and a pure chocolate ice-blend. After Daron Tan forced me to throw my drink away (yes you did!) I went back to RI alone to hand up my work, then went home alone by myself in the end.
Which gave me plenty of time to think of random scenarios.
Just think, if one of those movies really did come true. Like some zombie-virus outbreak or overgrown mutant spiders. What would you really care for? If you had a choice, where is the first place you would go? What would really matter then?
And I answered all of those questions, somehow. Its an expected answer, but I guess. When the world is really about to end, I know where I'll run to.
I feel so confused. So puzzled. And so tired.
Sunday, July 27, 2008 @5:09 PM
Ignoring, for now, the fact that I did, in fact, get myself an ant nest (a small one) and now cannot resist to torture them because they are so cute.
And ignoring, for now, the fact that I am unable to find Rome: Total War Disc 1 due to careless misplacement by a certain brother.
I sincerely apologize for my ruthless display of insanity and sadism in my previous post. Yesterday the normally quite placid inclinations just happened to reach a peak for reasons including my exposure to a certain person's actions. And thus if anyone is severely or at least not-so-severely affected by it, I apologize.
Well then you have to argue that someone who has those kind of placid inclinations has to have something fundamentally wrong with him in the first place. I cannot deny that a certain twisted thinking and intense emotional influence has swept my originally-sane mind into walls and into canyons. Resulting in a little bit of a side-effect more commonly associated with the inmates in well-known Arkham Asylum.
Even now, feeling largely empty within only serves to magnify the bluntness of my words and the cruelty of my actions. People like me really need to see the light of day, the ray of hope, much more than we already do, if any. We need something to look forward to. We need something to strive for. We need someone.
Gist being that emotional instability can and will cause mental instability.
However, this instability shouldn't be taken much into record. I am quite confident it will harm no other person, nor physically myself, any time soon, and that all it provides is a simple second opinion.
Thus I conclude that I am not insane to the slightest degree.
I'm just ahead of the curve.
We want a purpose in life back.
And yet we don't know why.
Saturday, July 26, 2008 @4:50 PM
Ignoring, for now, the fact that I am tremendously bored as of now.
Just came back from watching the Dark Knight. Its a brilliant show, ignoring, for now, the fact that I was also watching from the Golden Seat.
(removes spoilers.)
Basically the show was brilliant. Clever punchlines, hardcore action and twisted irony. But the main thing I would like to talk about is a particular character.
Yes, that's right, the Joker.
In my opinion, the Joker is one of
the best characters
ever made. Definitely losing to Captain Jack Sparrow but I digress. His portrayal in the movie really. Hard to admit it myself but. Really allowed me to associate with him.
You see, its just this mentality of. Chaos. In that sense, me and him are of the same breed. We both probably derive pleasure from sparking off intense life-and-death internal conflicts and watching how humans react. Maybe its sadism, but I tend to think of it more as an "exploration" of the deep recesses, and the darkness of the human soul. The same way scientists derive their satisfaction from their own unpredictable-yet-predictable experiments.
Its pretty much like keeping an ant nest, then observing how they react to droplets of concentrated detergent. Or starving them, then dropping a single grain of rice into their midst to watch them plunge into complete chaos.
As the demons do. What will you do? Will you kill another human for the preservation of your own life? Is it selfish? What will you do then? Do you not fear death? Which choice will you make? Tick. Tick. Tick. To snatch normal, unsuspecting people and place them in situations that either kill their body or kill their soul for the rest of their lives. To watch how they are tortured; the panic, the fear.
As the Joker does. To create spectacles of almost cruel irony that pits one's morals against one's instinct. To create situations that punish the brightest heroes, and release the darkest monsters. To create, punch through the reality that its a dog-eat-dog world, and that kindness begets nothing more than cruelty. To make sheer tragedies that spawn guilt, regret, madness among the still living, and hopefully driving them to brilliant insanity. Its not about the death or devastation. Its about the
message. Quote Alfred:
"Some men just want to watch the world burn."
I largely agree.
For me, I would not see myself as a to-be-protagonist in times to come. I prefer to see myself as an. Anarchist. An antagonist at most. I'd like to spice things up in this world, and hopefully leave my mark as a scar on this planet.
Just for the fun of it.
Friday, July 25, 2008 @10:53 PM
Ignoring, for now, the fact that I did not run the 2.4 and, instead, did the 5 NAPHA stations and thus am not dead.
And ignoring, for now, the fact that I'm quite sure I'm sick.
Radical Dreamers from the game, Chrono Cross. Learnt the piano part played in the video, on guitar. As was played in the original. Yiheng/Ji'an help me with the violin bit pl0x. Need two violins slash erhus, and as can be heard from the original, two guitars.
Momentarily stopping Zakum production. Don't feel too well.
Today the most interesting part was DramaFeste! It was really fun. Moor was first in line, and with Master Thia's convincing crying scenes and the over-ironic and melodramatic storyline, it quickly served as an interesting starter for the rest of the schedule, despite its very draggy monologues.
Morrison did something controversial, something along the lines of Macbeth's witches + modern-ishness + dancing. Quite fun, if anything. Grats to Benn as one of the main characters, Kwun Tong as the muchly amusing, blue-haired, wide-eyed and wildly-laughing witch, and Shayan in his second involvement in the interhouse DramaFests. And Keng Chee and EGAN in subtle involvement.
Bayley came after intermission. It was, by far, the best one due to its largely humorous humor. Blend of many cultures, a child's ingenuity and an awkward and uncommon situation caused this play to be, in my opinion, the best at least amongst these three. Ignoring, for now, the sexual references and occassional vulgarities.
Condolences to the pitiful Tan Wei Xuan who bought both matinee and nightshow tickets to "compare". And to Kuss who had to stay in school till 7++.
Tomorrow I'm going to watch the Dark Knight. Its something I'm really looking forward to (largely due Heath Ledger's Joker), and my parents took the courtesy of booking the Golden Seats, involving reclining chairs and manual service of food and drinks. Excited to criticize and pick at them at every chance. *evil laugh*
Why do I keep staring at my handphone screen. Waiting for something that will not come.
What is this shallowness outside?
And what is this emptiness inside?
Thursday, July 24, 2008 @9:09 PM
Am currently really busy working on my Zakum Project. This shall be like, a big Zak! I shall give all of you Zak keychains. Because I adore this big one too much for me to give it away.
For Maple illiterate people, this is what Zakum looks like:

Day 1:

Day 2:

Also, check my DeviantArt account, I'll be posting the progress there. Tomorrow I hope to finish the crown, attach it to the head if its dry, make the tablet, and possibly one arm.
Here's a thought I had when coming home from AEP. (I think in strictly rhymes sometimes, an example of how language completely determines what I can think.)
Why's a heart always "broken" and hope always "crushed"; hate always "seething" and our love always "hushed"?I'm starting to get very, very emotionally weary.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008 @4:52 PM
Ignoring, for now, the fact that I am in one of the bleakest moods at the moment.
And ignoring, for now, the papier maché Aztec pyramid I embarked on a few days ago isn't turning out too aligned with a ruler.
I intend to start trying to work with clay! Its called paper clay, hopefully later when I go to Parkway I can find some in Popular. Then if I master it enough, I will make a clay Zakum for Ji'an for his birthday for being a kind and generous GM! Yiheng shall get the arms if I finish it in time. F3
Addicted to a song. At least for now. Here it is!
I realize that there are two teachers I have recently learnt to respect. One is Mr. Tan Puay Hock, the other is Mr. Jason Tan.
The former is my Chinese teacher and seriously, he is worthy of respect. Its really not easy to stand in front of a class of 20+ and well. Although its not talking on anything school-ish and the topics go all over the place. But still, its not easy! Constantly coming up with topics and phrasing it. Skill. And he has high standards that I can't say we live up to, but he's forgiving and stuff. He's a person worthy of my respect.
The latter is our new Chem teacher! Can't say he has been so for very long, but I am good at judging people. He's knowledgeable in the topic of Chemistry and is passionate about sharing that knowledge. He cares for the students enough to give us so many pointers and make analogies and all. He takes teaching as a passion, not as a job, as certain teachers do. *hint hint* Basically he's kind and understanding so once again, worthy of my respect.
Can't say the other teachers aren't lah, many teachers have made their impact on me but these two especially so. Maybe as my mentality matures I am able to appreciate what people do more. Ah well!
Hmm, always considered being a teacher since a long, long time ago. Its just the thought of leaving a mark and inspiring someone.
Anyway, tomorrow I think I am going to run the 2.4 thing I have postponed for some time. Gonna hide that one month MC my doctor forced me to take. Just get it over with lah. If I die, someone pl0x search the blue box in the second shelf in my room and deliver whatever's in there. Seriously. Ah well.
I don't really care about what's really important anymore, I realized. Human life has become irrelevant, and Hell is worth a visit. When I'm alone its a whole different kind of insanity.
And I guess people change, don't they? With the times, what was originally actions pure of heart have soon waned into.
Whatever's left of it.
Left without a purpose or goal, cracking under pressure.
And I might just rip right open like that night.
Sunday, July 20, 2008 @9:35 AM
Ignoring, for now, the fact that my incessant and unexplained trembling of my hand when I hold it up, has gotten worse and is starting to get better.
And ignoring, for now, that it has been more than a week since I had updated this blog.
Yesterday was teh dae of teh lahg. The night before, I was all prepped up for the RE FPS finals to come on Saturday! I even set my alarm clock at 10 to make me super super early for the finals at 12:30.
Early in the morning, my mom shook me up and held thy phone to ear, from which I heard a voice! (duh.) "Did you know there's FPS finals today at 7:30?" (pause)(fumble to check alarm clock)
(7:45 AM)
1 second.
2 second.
3 second.
Rushed there with a full bladder and a mug of coffee but made it, despite greatly inconveniencing the rest of my RE group. Sorry Chia, Suwe, Ry. :/
And later in the cinema! Was watching Red Cliff. I would like to point out that the battle of Red Cliff was in fact, one of my favorite historical battles, and was looking forward to seeing it in action.
(camera shows 曹操 being all overconfident.)
(camera zooms in to a map of the area.)
(camera shows 周玉 setting a model fleet on fire.)
(screen shows 赤壁之战.)
(screen shows To Be Continued.)
(a few minutes of literally complete silence from the audience while credits continue to play.)
Old Guy: WAH LAU.
Watched Pirates of the Carribean trilogy (which I have on DVD) and it further establishes my claim that the PotC series is MY FAVORITE MOVIES EVER.
Jack Sparrow is the (hart).
Anyone can tell me the specific scene I quote these from, you get a mysterious prize!
"Now bring me that horizon. Drink up me hearties yo ho!"" 'Ello beastie.""Stop blowing holes in my ship!""But. Why is the rum gone!?"Keeping myself terribly busy with anything but homework. Which is cool! Coz after all it WAS a week of "holiday" for all us peeps in RI. Ignorance is bliss, so I refuse to check the Asknlearn portal to ruin that bliss.
I really don't know w
Saturday, July 12, 2008 @7:46 AM
Breathe in, breathe out.
What's the point of being angry with everything? What's the point of putting it off? Why can't two people be together? Why does it seem like there is resistance? What's so difficult? What's holding me back? Why am I rendered helpless? Why did we drift apart since the start?
Tomorrow. Is the 13th of July, a Sunday! It is also the final showdown. It will be the product of many, many months of painstaking effort and hard work. It will be the time when either we achieve great success, or we blunder beyond ressurection. This will be the big, concert finale of it all!
Am tabbing certain songs-which-are-not-meant-to-be-played-on-the-guitar on the guitar. Its quite challenging, but I'm up for it. Heck. And.
Found this while Youtube-hopping:
I find the guitar part quite enchanting. The French lyrics are cool too.
Pour arriver enfin à ces rêves d'enfants.
Qui n'ont pas de limites comme on a maintenant.How would you like this chapter to close?
let's walk on the beach together.
P.S. Oh and there's also RAGE XIII tomorrow, 7:30pm. Tickets will not be sold at the gate.
Friday, July 11, 2008 @5:59 PM
Daryl is dead now.
Daryl has died.
Too much to his self-knowing self has he lied.
For no matter how much he has withered or cried.
He faces his demons both in and outside.
So Daryl is gone now. Daryl has died;
His heart ripped apart without you by his side.
Thursday, July 10, 2008 @10:53 PM
Let us, for now, ignore the happenings today involving me unknowingly wearing a semi-transparent long sleeve cotton WHITE shirt to school this MUFTI day.
And let us, for now, ignore the doctor's prescription of many a medicine and a month-long excuse from exercise.
Now that I have had the chance to observe players of the mystical game console commonly known as the Wii, I have concluded that its makers are relatively perverse. Or maybe its just the game. In which case I have recorded a minute or two of the gameplay visual from a distant point of view. *evil laugh*
A 10-day long holiday is now in progression due to many an event happening during these 5 schooldays that the staff have so generously filled with awaiting assignments.
I have to watch this movie named Johnny Mnemonic for RE! Haven't watched it yet. Intending to perhaps on Saturday. Because. Therefore I should. Finished watching the Hulk which is with who-knows-who at the moment. Suwe you still owe me Shutter and eight episodes worth of Friends!
One final practice problem on Wednesday and then the Final Showdown on the following Saturday. Its a "make it or break it" thing. We go overseas to compete internationally, or we disgrace the school.
Nervous. (arrow dot arrow)
I have run out of words to say.I have run out of motivational, emotional monologues that express my deep desires.I do not.Know what to do at all.I do not know what to think at all.I do not know what to feel.Teach me.Its just a matter of who is waiting for who.Forgive me. For what I had or had not done, what I have and have not done, and what I will and will not do.
Forgive it all.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008 @10:47 PM
Doctor says I'm either pregnant or have stomach illness. Which one izzit leh, tell me! F3
Ignoring the fact that I missed the Biology practical involving the sadistic cutting up of fish carcasses, and also the very useful Assembly talk regarding DMPs and RJC course options that I really need.
Today was a rather fine day.
Played BnW2 again and man, it rocked. Complete domination over something when you're in a bad mood, nothing can get more fun than that. And not to mention my bolster was there to share the joy. Yipee.
Okay, got to go really soon. Mom wants me to sleep early so that I don't "weaken my mental and physical health" and so that I don't vomit tomorrow. And. Leaving with a little question!
What's an activity that starts with F, ends with "ing" and is 7 letters long, involves a lot of thrusting and huge lunges and, at times, injures?
Only HUANG got this correct on his first try. Good luck all!
I don't know what to expect.Coz I know I'm a little ready. And a little insecure.But I will try.
Monday, July 7, 2008 @9:36 PM
在某个时间,某位外表平常,内在不平常的男孩到达了某个地点。心里真的很希望能再感受到他所爱的人的怀抱,再找出我人生中的温暖。但可说这次他一开始也料到了,对方可能没发现到他的暗示,或失去了兴趣。 最后,这个陌生男孩只迎接了冷漠无情的雨水,孤独走回家。可是,这次虽然伤心无底,但也可说是有心理准备。
Sunday, July 6, 2008 @9:38 PM
Let us, for now, ignore the fact that because of Chinese tuition, I have been deemed unable to attend the once a year major cosplay convention that I've been kinda looking forward to for at least three months.
And let us also, for now, ignore the fact that my emotional impulses have incurred the permanent loss of a year's worth of poetry, storytelling and pathos packed posts, and a lot more.
I want to catch Batman: The Dark Knight. Heath Ledger as the Joker was apparently, supposed to be Oscar-worthy. However, he is dead. Previews of him as the Joker remind me of those times I had to strap myself in a straitjacket and lock myself in a room while I uncontrollably scream, laugh and cry all at the same time. But the details of this insanity shall remain a secret. Anyway, the Joker is one of my favorite character among American comics.
Quoth me, "..mental problems never do completely go away".
Well, tomorrow I shall go for guitar practice really early in the morning. At 9. Terrible! I'm going to, hopefully, do there some unfinished work that has been postponed for a long time. Coz the people is getting angry with me! Ggxxzor.
*finds something else to blog about*
I think I'll go back to playing Black and White. Assassin's Creed gets quite boring. When you die 5 times in 10 minutes, yeah it does. I'm too used to being invincible.
Mehh.I think I'm ready now.Are you?
Saturday, July 5, 2008 @11:40 AM
I deny all claims that my blog address has reference to anyone in particular. It is merely an anagram of sorts. Like. Madam I'm Adam. This case its
axis. And I just think axis sounds nice anyway.
The Macbeth play was brilliant. The actors were seriously convincing, but it did confuse me why they chose the different races thing. Quah mentioned what I wanted to say about the clothing though. But really, it kinda amaz'd me at how dramatic the play really was? Although some parts were a tad bit boring, the others featured such emotion and drama that I myself couldst not take my eyes away. I would look forward to seeing another interpretation. Kudos to the brilliant acting and screenplay.
One of my favorite lines:
Oh, full of scorpions is my mind, dear wife!
Thou know'st that Banquo, and his Fleance, lives."
And their "modern interpretation"?
Argh! I feel like my mind is full of scorpions, my dear wife. You know that Banquo and his son Fleance are still alive."
**** **** ****.
If that idiot in front of me didn't have a head I'd have caught that scene much better.
I guess tomorrow I won't be going for the cosfest. I don't want to go anywhere tomorrow. Sorry.
Man, sometimes it sucks to be a Scorpio. Always naturally assuming the negative never really helps. Moi is feeling a different kind of insanity from both Lady Macbeth and Macbeth. Pressure pressure conflict pressure.
I think I'll go play Assassin's Creed on my Xbox. Besides the fact that I think its starting to gain popularity, I don't really feel like talking to anyone anytime soon.
Oh. EGAN says that the guitar practice on Monday is optional but I have no idea whether to go from 9-12 or 3:30-5:30 or something. See first lah. I'm not even in the Yahoogroup.
I feel like screaming. Ah well.
You're lucky.
This chapter, I think, is coming to an close.
We get to decide how it ends.
Thursday, July 3, 2008 @6:01 PM
Today is the third of July! Which should be relatively obvious from the thingum at the bottom/top of this post.
Today was really screwed up. Worst part. Maths test. Confirm fail le. Last night rushing through Chinese thing + flaring up at people - time spent on guitar, = completely no time for mugging. Heck, from what I eavesdrop after the test, I'm probably gonna be the worst in class.
Then came AEP Test. Futurism and Dadaism, probably screwed up this one too. "There is a red
cow bull horse in the foreground of the painting" -Me. Asdfghjkl.
I think that I am seriously slightly schizophrenic. Its quite strange. Added with insomnia and an evil voice whispering in my left ear. Its definitely. Quite strange.
Tomorrow going for some Macbeth play that Mistress has ordered the entire of 3Clit to go. T'will be fun for its at NAFA Lee, where RISE has performed and where RIGE will perform. I guess it would be nice to go there and check out the dynamics. (Spy of EGAN)
I will consider going for the Cosfest that is on Saturday/Sunday 1-7pm. Alexis, I haven't confirmed yet because I have training on Sunday night and many probable activities, and not too sure who else is going too. Ask around ba. Worst come to worst don't go lor!
Next Thursday is MUFTI day! I shall wear white long sleeve T-shirt and jeans. If anyone has mascara/wig pl0x bring and lend me for one day.
Next Monday and Friday holiday but EGAN will probably make us come back anyway but heck.
Next life is the time when I totally give up hope.
Me has realized and so. Me wishes that you will have warmth and fuzziness, coz now it really doesn't matter who you get it from. (reference) It would be nice if it was from me lah but. (arrow dot arrow)
Quite some time ago, I assured you and made a promise that no matter what happens, I won't forget you, and I won't abandon you and stuff. Highlighted in bright green some more.
And therefore if you don't mind, just give me the green light.
Coz this is the only time I'm sure that what I will do is right.
(Well, no promises but I promise I'll try.)(When the time comes.)
Tuesday, July 1, 2008 @8:00 PM
This is the first post of a new blog, the first sign of life. So I had best do some self-introduction.
My name is Daryl. I'm 14 years old. I'm born in late October and take proud in being born on the borderline of Libra-Scorpio. I'm a free thinker, and I believe in angels and demons. I have strong beliefs about many things, and found love very early in my life, but things happened and I am currently. I will talk about this later.
I had a blog,, which I deleted in an act of emotional impulse, something us Scorpios are most famous for. Now we shall talk about horoscopes! Specifically, my horoscope.
Scorpios are one of the most emotional, melodramatic and unpredictable of star signs. We are labeled as charismatic, one key characteristic being on our sharp, piercing gaze. We often don a facade to mask the emotional turmoil and whirlpools just beneath the surface. We are often viewed as the most scheming, brutal and vicious backstabbers, but that's not the case in my character. Scorpios hate untruthfulness, disloyalty and insecurity. We are prone to a high and often uncontrollable level of jealousy, possessiveness, paranoia and speculation, something that I suffer a great deal from. We recover extremely well from situations that we are not emotionally involved with, otherwise we are one of the most badly affected. We are extremely loyal and protective, and bonds formed with Scorpios are extremely hard to undo. Scorpio is the most sexually active sign in astrology, the key body parts being the areas associated with it. Unlike most, we think that sex is actually an intense expression of love.
Basically, we're emotional, melodramatic and terribly insecure.
I have a theory regarding the famous 2012 Doomsday event.
You see, as the event approaches, there will be propaganda. Gossip. Talk. There will be paranoia, there will be panic. And as a result, frantic citizens will begin stockpiling food. Even now, food prices are rising. Oil prices are rising. There will be those who think, "oh, the world's gonna end anyway, why not just do something I've never done before?" Murder. Rape. Robbery. Widespread crime and chaos. Food and electricity prices will reach an all-time high, police forces will be overpowered, the world will instantly be thrown into devastation. Those with power will be corrupt, and one or two disasters, a satellite or meteor crashing into earth, an earthquake or perhaps a change in poles, will add to the crime and chaos, and perhaps they will have no choice but to wipe out the entire race. How?
Nuclear weapons.
I intend to play a part in the desecration of the human race in one way or another. It seems like this life has become far too boring and stupid for anything else. May I have an end compareable to that of great kings and lords. And may the events before that be cataclysmic and satisfactory.
Its hilariously ironic how prophecies don't predict the future, but create it. Nostradamus predicted the Anti-Christ. And now hundreds of twisted young minds around the world believe they are destined to be him, and one of them will inevitably tower over the rest.
The prophecy is fulfilled.
Hmm. As all of you can see, to your left is the same tagboard and counter from my previous blog, simply because I cannot be bothered to create a new one. Or a new two. Here is a video from the movie, Secret, which I have loaned from Sng Zheng, and which Doctor HUANG has expressed great enthusiasm for.
Ah well.
Dt was in love once. Once upon a time. He was in love with someone so perfect that he felt like he wasn't good enough. That he had too many physical and psychological flaws. But that was later on. Dt had mistreated this person a lot. He bullied, he laughed, he was a total ass, for he did not know, and was completely oblivious. And when dt realized and started to regret, it was too late. And thus began a stalemate lasting months, involving foolish speculation and accusation, empty promises and internal conflict.
And thus dt has tried to move on, and he has smiled, and he has laughed. But day after day he asks himself and he realizes things that he should have realized a long time ago.
He wants to say that he still feels very empty. He still feels very sad.
Why does he feel sad when the other is happy? And then sad when the other is sad? Why does he have to feel pressured and awkward every time? What is so complicated about love? Isn't it so simple? What is he thinking? Where is he going? Where has he gone?
What's the point?
And he wants to know if the person he misses, misses him too. And he wants to know if he will ever feel rekindled warmth, coz he knows he'll never find someone like..
Haha, you're still as unpredictable as ever, aren't you.
You evil thingy. (:
And thus we deem the birth of a new blog on this date, the First of July, at exactly 9:49 pm. Long live.
My name is Daryl. I believe in angels and demons.
And I want to be the end of the world.